All Events and Initiatives || Year by Year

The Fondazione Mediterraneo celebrated the "Day of legality and commitment" with the students of the Adelaide Ristori Institute.
President Capasso underlined the importance of legality as an essential pillar of life and illustrated to the students the actions that the Foundation and the Peace Museum promote for memory, for commitment, for legality.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT hosted the "Magnetic Marketing" training course organized by Fabrizio Cornalba, founder of the Meeting-hub portal.
This activity, by decision of the Museum's Governing Council, was carried out as compensation for hospitality on the Meeting-hub portal of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the year 2019.
On this occasion - while appreciating the quality of the Meeting.hub portal - the president Michele Capasso communicated to dr. Fabrizio Cornalba the impossibility to continue the use of the same portal by the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the year 2020 because the Museum has no resources to be used for this activity. The only possibility, as happened for the year 2019 and on this occasion, is the exchange of hospitality at the Museum of Peace - MAMT with the annual fee due for the year 2020.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT welcomed the students of the State Comprehensive Institute "Adelaide Ristori" of Naples through the main emotional itineraries of the Museum: the Mosque, the Legality, the Cribs, the Ancient Egypt, Molinari Sculptor of color, Don Peppe Diana and others.
Great involvement of students accompanied by teachers Angela Ristaldo and Innocenzo Calzone.

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Students of the State Comprehensive Institute "Adelaide Ristori" of Naples (Forcella district) accompanied by teachers Angela Ristaldo and Innocenzo Calzone visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and the paths dedicated to legality and to Don Peppe Diana, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of death.
Great excitement on the part of the students and students who have shown attention and involvement through the various moments of the visit that took place on the eve of the "Day of memory and commitment" against the mafias.

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