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A delegation from the United States of the World took part in the various sessions of the UNESCO International Conference "Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century" held in Naples from 27 to 29 November 2023.
On this occasion, the long-standing relations with UNESCO were emphasised: from the visits of former Directors-General Mayor and Bokova to the programmes on water and cultural heritage, coordinated by United States of the World members Maurizio Iaccarino (former UNESCO Deputy Director) and Massimo Pica Ciamarra.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso then retraced the main stages since 1987 and underlined the importance in the Constitution of the United States of the World of the articles devoted to climate change, ecological conversion and the protection of cultural heritage - tangible and intangible - in perfect harmony with UNESCO's mission and the issues addressed by the Naples conference.
Among other things, the numerous visits of André Azoulay - Advisor to the King of Morocco and father of the current UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay - to the United States of the World headquarters were recalled.
A number of delegates visited the United States of the World headquarters and the Museum of Peace and were impressed by the beauty of the site, an emotional heritage of humanity, and by the 4K videos of the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Campania and other places around the world.

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The "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" with its autonomous sections "MEDITERRANEAN FOUNDATION" and "KIMIYYA" celebrate in various countries, as they do every year on 25 November, the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" formalised by the United Nations in 1999.
"The date of 25 November,"
emphasises Secretary-General Michele Capasso, "was chosen to commemorate the life, activism and above all the courage of three sisters: Patria, Maria Teresa and Minerva Mirabal, also nicknamed 'mariposas', or butterflies, who fought for the freedom of their country: the Dominican Republic, which during the 1940s and 1950s was in the grip of General Rafael Trujilo's dictatorship. The Mirabal sisters decided to engage in political activism by denouncing the horrors and crimes of the dictatorship. But on 25 November 1960, the three 'mariposas' sisters were tortured and murdered by Trujillo's assassins. The outrage at their deaths raised a wave of horror both at home and abroad, drawing international attention to the Dominican regime and the 'machismo' culture that did not tolerate women occupying public and political space. It is in the memory of Patria, Maria Teresa and Minerva that every 25 November marks the beginning of a 16-day period dedicated to activism against gender-based violence, which ends on 10 December with International Human Rights Day”.
In this year, ravaged by wars and extreme events, the 'UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD' calls on everyone to 'pull together' to ensure respect for women's human dignity and, above all, to prevent the feminicides that infest all societies.

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Representatives of the associations of psychologists from the various European countries united in the "EFPA" (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) meeting in the "board" and "council" at the Peace Museum visited the section dedicated to Raffaele Capasso in the Museum of Peace, expressing their appreciation for the Mayor of the reconstruction of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio.
In particular, EFPA President Prof. Christoph Steinebach, highlighted the educational and training value of Raffaele Capasso's life and political experience.

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Representatives of the associations of psychologists from the various European countries united in the "EFPA" (European Federation of Psychologists' Associations) meeting in the "board" and "council" at the Museum of Peace visited the various sections of the Museum, expressing their appreciation for a unique and extraordinary place full of values that are indispensable at this difficult time in the history of humanity.

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A united and federal Europe has always been a dream of western man, especially from the 17th and 18th centuries to more recent times with the Ventotene group and Churchill in his speech in Zurich after the Second World War.
Unfortunately, the project of a united and federal Europe has not come to fruition to date, because a step-by-step road was chosen that got stuck, starting with the ECSC, passing through the EEC and stopping at a European Union that is currently an imperfect confederal model with delicate structural problems.
Today, in the post-pandemic international scenario and amidst a context of wars in Europe and the Middle East, we are realising that the European Union has no socio-political weight, appearing powerless in the face of events.
A European Union that has no weight is a European Union that is unfortunately useless. That is why we need a change of pace, a decisive turn towards federalism.  Even Mario Draghi is aware of the criticalities that exist today, and he is certainly someone who knows about them.
This will be discussed with the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD during the morning part of the Anti-Mafia Summit of the Antonino Caponnetto Foundation to be held in Florence at 10 a.m. on 18 November at the Oblate Library.

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