28 May 2017
The Assembly of the members of the Order of Naples was held at the Museum of Peace - MAMT with a meeting on the theme "Ethics and profession".
28 May 2017
The veterinarians attending the Assembly of Entrants and the meeting on "Ethics and Professions" have long visited the Museum of Peace, tasting Mediterranean specialities and welcoming this unique initiative.
28 May 2017
Alessandra Clemente, alderman for young people of the Municipality of Naples, accompanied by President Michele Capasso, visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT, expressing strong emotion and involvement for this unique initiative that honours the city of Naples.
28 May 2017
Michel Vauzelle, a great "Mediterraneanist", former Minister of Justice and President of the PACA Region - Côte d' Azur, a French parliamentarian and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, has long visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT, recalling his thirty-year friendship with Michele Capasso and hoping for a common commitment to the "community of destiny" that binds all the peoples of the Mediterranean to whom, as FONAMENTAL LAW, freedom, mobility and protection of different cultures must be assured.
On this occasion he paid tribute to
Raffaele Capasso, a great Socialist and mayor of the reconstruction of the town of San Sebastiano al Vesuvio.
He said that this visit is a "stage" of his life!
28 May 2017
Michel Vauzelle, a great "Mediterraneanist", former Minister of Justice, Mayor of Arles and President of the PACA Region - Côte d' Azur, French parliamentarian and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, paid homage in the Museum of Peace - MAMT to Mario Molinari's work, and looks forward to creating "emotions of colour" in his city, Arles, with the exhibition of Molinari and the realization of the following events.
25 May 2017
A meeting with the headmaster and director of the Don Bosco Centre in Naples, Don Mario Delpiano, took place at the Fondazione Mediterraneo headquarters, during which the aims of the Valdocco project were explained, which since 2004 proposes an integrated experimentation programme for social inclusion and the fight against evasion, expulsion and early school leaving in pre-adolescence and adolescence.
President Capasso has assured the full support of the Fondazione Mediterraneo to continue this indispensable initiative, which constitutes a "strong signal" in a reality such as Naples, where the 50 children hosted in the school would be candidates to follow the path of crime and illegality.
For the event that will take place on May 31 at the Salesian Menichini Institute, President Capasso donated a chocolate egg with the surprise of football players Naples.
24 May 2017
"Auxilium Christianorum "," Help of Christians ", is the title that has been given to the Virgin Mary at all times and so it is also invoked in the Lauretan litanies of the Rosary. On virtues, life, predestination, motherhood, mediation, intercession, virginity, immaculate conception, pain suffered, Mary's assumption, thousands of volumes have been written, kept by various Councils, proclaimed dogmas of faith, to the point that an authentic theological science has arisen: Mariology. And the mediating and rescuing presence of Our Lady has always been reaffirmed for those who invoke her, we have been entrusted to her as children of Jesus on the Cross and to us humanity she has been indicated as mother, in the person of John the Apostle, also at the foot of the Cross.
The invocation Auxiluimchristianorum, now pro nobis, appears for the first time in the version of the Lithanias published in 1576 and approved by Pope Clement VIII in 1601; it was absent in the oldest version, dating back to 1524. According to tradition, this invocation was added by Pope Pius V after the victory given by the Holy League over the Ottomans in Lepanto (7 October 1576), but more probably represents a variant of the title Advocatachristianorum which is found in the 1524 edition. The title (together with those of Advocate, Soccorritress and Mediator) is also used in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church Lumen Gentium of 1964. In any case, the official use of the title "Auxilium Christianorum" was made with the invocation of the great Marian and Dominican pope Saint Pius V (1566-1572), who entrusted her with the armies and destinies of the West and Christianity, threatened for centuries by the Turks who arrived to Vienna, and who in the great naval battle of Lepanto (1571) faced and conquered the Muslim fleet. The pope instituted for this glorious and definitive victory, the feast of the Holy Rosary, but the grateful invocation to the heavenly Protector as "Auxilium Christianorum", does not seem to have to be attributed directly to the pope, as was then said, but to the victorious veterans who, returning from the battle, passed by Loreto to thank Our Lady; instead, the banner of the fleet was sent to the church dedicated to Mary in Gaeta. The cry of joy of the Christian people perpetuated itself in this invocation; the Venetian Senate had written under the great commemorative painting of the Battle of Lepanto, in the Doge's Palace:"Neither power, nor weapons, nor leaders led us to victory, but Mary of the Rosary" and so alongside the ancient titles of Consolatrixafflictorum (Consolator of the afflicted) and Refugiumpeccatorum (Refuge of sinners), was added for the people and for the Church Auxilium Christianorum (Aid of Christians).
23 May 2017
The emotional path of the Museum of Peace - MAMT dedicated to the victims of all the mafias today is reminiscent of Falcone and Borsellino 25 years after the Capaci massacre.
In collaboration with OMCOM (Mediterranean Observatory on Organized Crime and the Mafia) and the Caponnetto Foundation, the years of the anti-mafia pool are retraced until the killing of the two magistrates.
We remember them jokingly with Nino Caponnetto: 3 Great men dedicated to GOOD COMMON.
22 May 2017
A working meeting was held at the headquarters of Open Med with members of the Italian ALF network of Sardinia and with representatives of organizations and associations of the civil society of Sardinia interested in joining it.
Daniele Cocco of OPEN MED introduced the work and then there was the presentation of the individual participants and the respective bodies represented.
President Michele Capasso, head of the Italian ALF Network, explained the activities of ALF and, in particular, the work of MEDFORUM Malta and the General Assembly held in November 2016.
On this occasion, the various project lines of ALF and ENI CBC were illustrated, which will be developed during the training seminar that will take place in Naples on 15 and 16 June 2017.
22 May 2017
A meeting was held at the ENI - CBC MED programme headquarters between the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and the Director General of the ENI - CBC MED programme Anna Catte.
On this occasion, President Capasso presented to DG Catte the thirty-year activity of the Fondazione Mediterraneo at the service of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and offered the willingness to contribute to the dissemination, promotion and valorisation of the projects carried out as well as the next actions of the ENI - CBC MED programme: through the Foundation's network in the countries of the Southern Mediterranean Riva and special spaces with high multimedia and communication technology at the Museum of Peace - MAMT in Naples.
On this occasion, President Capasso summed up the main actions undertaken by the Foundation since 1991: from the Euromed Civilian Forums to Cinemamed and Medpri programmes, to the creation of important bodies such as the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean. At the end of the meeting, the programme of the training seminar in Naples (15-16 June 2017) was presented where, among other things, the ENI - CBC MED programme will be presented.
President Capasso Emanuele Cabras and Daniele Cocco of Open Med accompanied them.
Present at the meeting, for ENI - CBC MED, the coordinator of the joint technical secretariat Roberto Carpano and the programme expert Luca Palazzo.