The "Totem for Peace" is a trademark duly filed in accordance with the regulations. Therefore, any initiatives undertaken by third parties using that trademark or the word "Totem for Peace" in any context and for whatever purpose, it integrates to all intents and purposes the case of trademark infringement.

The "Totem of Peace", the work of the Turin sculptor Mario Molinari, is the symbol of the "United States of the World" and represents the Peace: it was chosen in 1997 by 3,000 representatives of 181 countries and since then the "United States of the World" with the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" are spreading this universal symbol by setting up the network of "Cities for Peace".
The sculptor Mario Molinari was an artist of clear fame, sensitive to the themes of peace and dialogue between cultures, as evidenced by his numerous works and his life.
The cultural project of the "Totem of Peace" is carried out in the world by Michele Capasso: dedicated, since 1987, to the construction of dialogue as a tool for the mediation of conflicts, he combines his international experience of social and intercultural planning and planning with the professional one of architect and engineer.
Many countries have created the monumental work symbolising peace and coexistence between different peoples. Among the main ones are:


The sail that symbolizes the journey, the sea. This “Mare Nostrum” of ​​Ours which was the cradle of civilization, the scene of clashes and battles between the people who inhabited it but also and above all of the exchange of goods and knowledge. A sea celebrated in myth where Ulysses got lost, continuing to wander in his desperate search for his way back. The sail that turns red, at dawn and dusk, at departure and return in the immutable rhythm of the Universe .


Mario Molinaris Totem of Peace will be realized in New York in a part of redeveloped water front by Tom Fox: the announcement was made at Naples Municipality by president Capasso and Tom Fox, at the presence of the major De Magistris.

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The president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso delivered the Totem of peace and legality by the great sculptor Mario Molinari in the hands of State’s secretary Gian Carlo Venturini and Giuseppe Maria Morganti, at the presence of Italian Ambassador in San Marino Barbara Bregato.
“It represents– declared Capasso – the acknowledgment of the path done by San Marino in these years.
A symbolic challenge they are trying to win here. For the first time the Molinari’s Totem of Peace – which started its way some years ago – represents both peace and legality. It is a very strong symbol which after Ban-Ki Moon goes to the Repubblic of Titano”. For now it has been given a Totem miniature and the real one will be placed in the next few months on the Titano, after the individuation to the best spot for its collocation.

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Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari met with the mayor of Procida Vincenzo Capezzuto, councilors Enrico Scotto di Carlo, Maria Capodanno and the architect of the Superintendent BB.AA. Paola Bovier in order to evaluate the possibility of the “Totem of PeaceMolinari in Procida designating, at the international level, “Island of Peace”.

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It was inaugurated in Buccino the “Totem of Peace Tricolore “ by sculptor Mario Molinari, on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the tragic bombing that resulted in Buccino 45 victims. A monument bearing the Red Sail Mario Molinari in the heart of the Ancient Volcei.
“What Buccino - said President Michele Capasso - has a strong symbolic value, in this very difficult period of history where it is absolutely necessary to sow peace and unity. The International Committee of the Foundation has chosen the work of Molinari because he is an artist sensitive to issues of peace and dialogue between cultures.’’ Great audience participation for the ceremony of inauguration of the work, including the Mayor of Buccino Nicola Parisi with the junta to complete, the Min. Pl. Enrico Granara - coordinator of the euro Mediterranean policies at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs - l ‘ entrepreneur Mario Magaldi - among the most important in the world for its innovations and original of Buccino - professors Massimo Pica Ciamarra - world-renowned architect and urban planner - and the historian Guido D’Agostino and still Senator Angelica Saggese on behalf of the Italian Parliament.
On this occasion it was proposed a symbolic passing of the “witness” of the Totem of Peace Buccino from the city of Tripoli, in Libya, and troubled land “ thirsty “ Peace : to pick the Italian Ambassador in Tripoli Giuseppe Buccino Grimaldi.

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