The MEDITERRANEAN FOUNDATION, since its creation in 1990 immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall, has taken as one of its main objectives the establishment of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD": from an intuition of Gustavo Rol.
The activities carried out over the last three decades by the Foundation - particularly in the area of the "Greater Mediterranean" - bear witness to a constant and concrete action that, precisely in these difficult times of war and pandemic, is an anchor of salvation to strengthen the spirit of peace and cooperation between peoples.
The adhesions of men and women, organisations and institutions from various countries contribute to supporting the institutional initiative by pursuing concrete objectives and effective means for the defence of the planet, respect for the fundamental rights of the human person, the coexistence of philosophies, faiths and religions, the fair distribution of goods and resources, the union of science and politics for the salvation of humanity and against all wars.


Michèle Rubirola the first female mayor of the City of Marseille elected on 4 July 2020, of Neapolitan origin - visited the United States of the World headquarters.
Accompanied by Karim Hammoumraoui, Director of External Relations of the City of Marseille, she was welcomed by Secretary-General Michele Capasso.
On this occasion, the intense activities carried out since 2000 with the City of Marseille, which proposed itself as the first headquarters of the international institution, were recalled.
Memorable was the "Rentrée solennelle" of the United States of the World held in Marseille on 6 July 2000 with the participation of Heads of State and Government of various countries.
At the conclusion of the meeting, it was planned to continue the concrete collaboration with a series of initiatives involving cities for ecological conversion and dialogue for peace: fundamental pillars of the mission of the United States of the World.

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Lucia Lo Palo and Luigi Crespi visited the Naples headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace MAMT, an emotional heritage of humanity.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso, they visited the main emotional itineraries, stopping at the Churchill Hall, Don Diana, Raffaele Capasso, the Great Mosque, the Chapels dedicated to John Paul II, Padre Pio, Mother Mazzarello and Don Giovanni Bosco, Pino Daniele and all the rooms dedicated to the United States of the World.
At the end of the visit, a collaboration was hoped for to affirm the inalienable values of the United States of the World. Luigi Crespi dedicated to President Capasso his recent book "THE SPIN DOCTOR. MEMOIRS OF MY SEVEN LIVES PLUS ONE".

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