The MEDITERRANEAN FOUNDATION, since its creation in 1990 immediately after the fall of the Berlin Wall, has taken as one of its main objectives the establishment of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD": from an intuition of Gustavo Rol.
The activities carried out over the last three decades by the Foundation - particularly in the area of the "Greater Mediterranean" - bear witness to a constant and concrete action that, precisely in these difficult times of war and pandemic, is an anchor of salvation to strengthen the spirit of peace and cooperation between peoples.
The adhesions of men and women, organisations and institutions from various countries contribute to supporting the institutional initiative by pursuing concrete objectives and effective means for the defence of the planet, respect for the fundamental rights of the human person, the coexistence of philosophies, faiths and religions, the fair distribution of goods and resources, the union of science and politics for the salvation of humanity and against all wars.


We felt a great emotion today in Fatima because of the presence of Pope Francis: the intensity of his prayer reduced the presence of more than 200,000 people: in silence we prayed the Holy Rosary with him.
It was a strong and heartfelt moment of prayer for the EARTH and for PEACE: two values that we are neglecting and which are admonished in the encyclicals "LAUDATO SI'" and "FRATELLI TUTTI", which form the basis of the "Constitution of the United States of the World" and the action of the "Fondazione Mediterraneo" since 1987.
We wished to pay homage on this occasion to Pope John Paul II - who has supported us in our action for peace from the very beginning - by praying before the statue placed in the centre of the square at Fatima.

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A delegation from various countries of the United States of the World with thousands of young people "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" participated in the XXXVIIth WORLD YOUTH DAY scheduled to take place in Lisbon from 2 to 6 August 2023.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso recalled the importance of this meeting at this difficult time in human history and Portugal's role in the dialogue and peace process.
"It is a moment that I live with joy -  Capasso said - because of the presence of so many friends who have shared the path of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World from the very beginning: from the Rector Major of the Salesians Angel Fernandes Artime to the Ambassador of Italy in Lisbon Carlo Formosa, from Don Luigi Ciotti to the Presidents of the Republic of Portugal visiting the headquarters in Naples, from the many actors committed to charity to the young people from various countries who are defenders of the EARTH and PEACE.
"The presence of the Holy Father is fundamental, catalytic, - concluded SG Capasso - since his arrival at the Figo Maduro Air Base in Lisbon, the Holy Father Francis has been welcomed by the President of the Republic of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and two children in traditional dress offered him flowers. From here an endless series of meetings and appointments that will leave a mark in history".

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