The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture is a place strongly representative, in which will convey the knowledge of the different identities and cultures, structuring permanently initiatives aimed at the spreading of peace, necessary for the shared development.

The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture (MdP) is a project conceived by Michele Capasso, approved by many Countries and international organizations. It is an architecture that keeps the memory of many Peace activities which created history, often more than the wars, but it is – above all – a space "to build” Peace.

The architectonical complex has an important symbolic worth: it represents the Countries of the World engaged in the Peace process and the Countries victim of the conflicts.

Proposed by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison des Alliances – together with the main adherent organizations, such as the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the League of Arab States, the "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and others, the MdP represents a referent point for all the ones who dedicate their lives to peace.

The symbol of the MdP is the "Totem for Peace", an artwork by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is promoting all around the world, creating the network of the "Cities for Peace".

The first seat of the MdP was inaugurated on the 14th of June 2010 (Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture) in the historical building of the Grand Hotel de Londres in Naples.

The action of the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture aims at improving the main activities of the "Universal Forum of Cultures" in: Barcelona (2004), Monterrey (2007), Valparaiso (2010) and Naples (2013).

The Maison de la Paix performs most of the initiatives jointly with the Maison de la Méditerranée.


On World Peace Day, the President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo launched - as a yet another bottle in the ocean - a heartfelt appeal for peace in Syria and Libya, proposing the text published in September 2013 on the occasion of the Euromed Civil Forum Brussels.
Particularly in Libya, President Capasso emphasized the “continuing chaos in the country and the vicious circle which has torn the hopes of dialogue and peace.
“Reads among other things in the text of the statement Capasso - Libya is immersed in a second vicious civil war. The country is divided between two governments that fight for the control of power and oil. In this fight there is a particular fragmentation factor: tribalism. All involved actors - militias, Islamist groups and even the two governments - seek tribal support. However, the impossibility of Libya to become a nation is not due to tribalism but, on the contrary, it is strengthened because the state is totally absent. On the other side, the involvement of countries such as Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt is a further key element, to the point of talking about indirect regional war. "

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In the Joint Declaration signed in Havana, the Pope and the Patriarch of Moscow emphasize the "evils" of the world and the need for Christians to give a common witness. Natural marriage, composed of men and women; the right to life; the necessity of inter-religious dialogue; the scandal of division. An appeal for an end to religious persecution, for peace in Ukraine and for the unity "made of concrete gestures."
For the President Capasso is a historic day which opens a hole in the delicate process of peace, at this very difficult time in our history.

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Admirers and friends write Academy of Sweden for Predrag Matvejevic candidates for Literature. The Croatian writer, also an Italian citizen, is recovering in a hospital in Zagreb.
A Nobel nomination who is also a hymn to a Mediterranean different than we see, we hear, we fear today. The nomination is for Predrag Matvejevic, the writer and academician also Italian with Croatian citizenship. To propose, contrary to launch it almost like a message in a bottle, is a group of his admirers and friends: journalists, writers, academics, ocean enthusiasts and writings of the sea. Among these Pino Aprile, Folco Quilici, Giulia D'Angelo and Michele Capasso: cofounder with Matvejevic 25 years ago of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and "brother" of life.
Predrag not even know it yet, maybe. Octogenarian, he is recovering in a hospital in Zagreb, tried physically and in spirit. Having taught Comparative Literature at the Sorbonne in Paris and Slavic Studies at the University of Rome, is back on the Adriatic shore, in the Croatia in 2005 sentenced him to five months in prison for having defined "Christian Taliban" those Serbian and Croatian writers who supported the war the former Yugoslavia (who denounced him). "Guilty of" metaphor, he defended Kundera, Gotovac, Solzhenitsyn, Brodsky arguing that "socialism with a human face can not close people behind bars for a verbal offense"; who wrote the exodus of Italian and spoke Foibe during Tito's regime; who has railed against nationalism. And when the sentence has become enforceable (in 2010, has never appealed to not legitimize the process), Predrag has slipped in the shadow. Relegated to the periphery of the intellectual world - out of the loop, no longer called, the most sought -; abandoned in his country.
Now, he will also die one day. But not so. And not his ideas. "Predrag is the synthesis of Europe, including Eastern Europe, which is recognized in the Mediterranean and in its history: in his life, in his family, in his literary work and political and literary, to the times of the Iron Curtain, are found almost all ethnicities, religions, nationalities and cultures that today as yesterday, someone wants to turn into a conflict reason. Throughout his work, but especially its incomparable Mediterranean Breviary, recounts the alleged differences, showing how our, of all; changing their, well, in coexistence reasons, enrichment, exchange, "reads the letter of application.
Already, the Mediterranean Breviary, a book translated into several languages, published in 1987, a time when you looked to the East forgetting to direct their gaze to the south, which for Europe is the Mediterranean. To Matvejevic was a warning. He spoke of the "sea of ​​closeness", putting us on guard, inviting us to know and appreciate "ways of being and ways of life common or approachable, despite the divisions and conflicts". Careful, he said, that the borders of the Mediterranean are not state, nor historical, but the real ones are olive, almond, fig. That closeness, he insisted, not to be confrontational must practice listening and accepting coexistence in diversity. For this, he had to say in Brussels too, to those bureaucrats and politicians "too continental, who fail to understand the essentials of the Mediterranean," who want to reduce the Mediterranean to its past, "not recognizing what it is today and that it could become tomorrow. " Predrag, in truth, he saw the present and even the future, and it was prophetic.
"It may be just a book for candidacy for the Nobel author? We think so, "write the promoters of his investiture. If that were not enough, there are his other texts - not least our bread, who had already approached the orbit of the Academy of Sweden - the literary and cultural value, anthropological and historical of his books, which summarize the moral tension . "For all that we advance the candidacy for the Nobel Prize for Literature Matvejevic’ Predrag, born in Mostar and raised on the shores of the Mediterranean"...
You will also die one day. But not so his ideas.

The first signatories

Cesare Accetta, Filippo Angelucci, Laura Angiulli, Massimo Angrilli, Pino Aprile, Monica Ardemagni, Pier Paolo Balbo, Anna Mahjar Barducci, Donatella Bianchi, Maurizio Bizziccari, Michele Capasso, Pietro Caricato, Nicolò Carnimeo, Thomas Casadei, Alessandro Cassinis, Luisa Chiodi, Antonio Alberto Clemente, Giulia D’Angelo, Fabio Fiori, Maurizio De Giovanni, Giuseppe De Tomaso, Antonio Di Natale, Matteo di Venosa, Jaime L. Enseñat Benlliure, Silvio Ferrari, Marco Firrao, Luigi Fozzati, Giuliano Gallo, Lanfranco Genito, Raffaele Giannantonio, Rosalba Giugni, Cristina Giussani, Davide Gnola, Ennio Grassi, Elvio Guagnini, Mimmo Jodice, Helena Kaloper, Tiziana Krause-Jackson, Oscar Iarussi, Cosimo Lacirignola, Valeria Li Vigni, Claudio Magris, Stefano Manferlotti, Giuliana Manfredi, Stefano Medas, Rosario Pavia, Silvio Perrella, Andrea Plebe, Fabio Pozzo, Folco Quilici, Sergio Romano, Enrica Simonetti, Maurizio Scaparro, Giovanna Scianatico, Pietro Spirito, Ercole Sori, Luca Tamagnini, Stasa Tensek, Alexandra Toesca, Sebastiano Tusa, Alberto Ulisse, Antonio Felice Uricchio, Lucio Zazzara.

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At the Circolo Canottieri in Naples, the ceremony of the passage of deliveries between the Admiral Antonio Basile, the Maritime Director of Campania and the Commander of the Naples Port, and the Admiral Arturo Faraone.
Admiral Basile left the command of the Maritime Management of Campania and the port of Naples after about three years to assume the new assignment in Rome, at the General Command of Port Capitals, Head of the 4th Department of Media and Materials of the body.
The ceremony was chaired by the Commander General of the Corps, Admiral Inspector Captain Felicio Angrisano che entertained President Capasso on the ongoing initiatives in favor of migrants.
President Capasso praised Admiral Basile, announcing that the jury of the Mediterranean Award awarded him the "Mediterranean Silver Delfino Award" that will be delivered on 21 October 2015 in Naples.

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"It was nice to meet President Mattarella on the staircase of the Church of Santa Maria del Parto in Mergellina: my church, where Father Antonio spreads feelings of peace and dialogue for years," said Capasso's commentary shortly after the casual meeting.
President Mattarella is on official visit to Naples for the inauguration of the School Year at Sannino di Ponticelli and for the commemoration of the "Four Days".

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