Between the 22 and the 23 July 2015, for initiative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation  of Spain and the Union for the Mediterranean (UpM), a high profile meeting about intercultural and interreligious dialogue took place in the Headquarters of UpM – in the historical palace of Pedralbes in Barcelona – in collaboration with European Union, Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF), Alliance of Civilizations of United Nations (AoC) and the Center for Intercultural and Interreligious D\ialogue King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz (KAICIID).

“This meeting- declared president Capasso – aimed to celebrate the 20 ° anniversary of the Barcelona Process along to increase the ongoing debate about neighbourhood European policy (PEV) and reply to the increasing importance given to the intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the Euro- Mediterranean as a strong tool in order to reach stability and peace, the struggle against intolerance and extremism and support the values of a pacific cohabitation. This meeting, - declared Capasso – represents an unique occasion in order to value tools and dialogue institutions; we need to reconsider the intercultural and interreligious dialogue as a central aim in the framework of a renewed multilateral politic in the Mediterranean; show a strategy of shared dialogue.

Fondazione Mediterraneo – said in conclusion Capasso – since the 1989 has been in service of the Euromediterranean Partnership becoming character of events, programs and several actions which has left a significant mark (from Euromed Cultural Forum to Euromediterranean Conferences, from Cultural Programs to those for immigration and solidarity).

Today, as 20 years ago, we need:

  1. Increase the awareness of the importance of intercultural and interreligious dialogue;
  2. Increase visibility and resources for program and tools for dialogue in the region;
  3. Establish a network of partners which aim to increase the effects of initiatives with synergies which complete themselves;
  4. Decide an action plan for future activities of the network, on the basis of a common plan and an agenda established upon concrete initiatives and network activities and useful to men and women of the Mediterranean.

Fondazione Mediterraneo will keep on working, as has done in 25 years, in order to support this essential peace and dialogue action”.