The meeting between the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and Francis Pope, held in the morning of Saturday 18 April, lasted three hours. The new head of the Republic, elected two months ago, met also the cardinal Pietro Parolin, secretary of the State.

During the meeting, the warm relationship between Holy See and Italy and as a proof of this mutual collaboration can be seen also the ratification of the Convention of Revenue Service. They talked also about other issues as family, instruction, job and especially, migrations. The cooperation of Catholic Church aimed at helping some disadvantageous situations characterizing some fringes of society. And, attention was focused also to the international framework, and the escalation of violence in Oriental Mediterranean area and North-Africa. The two participants affirmed their will to keep on working together both at local and international level, especially for what concerns the promotion and safeguard of religious freedom and dignity of human person.

In the speech given at the presence of exponents of presidential ministry, Francis Pope called attention to «the shared responsibility for the spiritual and material needs of community which everyone of us must serve with dedication and humility». Among the other topics on which the Pope called attention were the family «essential fortress of values and solidarity», the «lack of work», which «for the youth becomes a scream of sorrow», the need of safeguard the environment and the migration «of who, risking their lives, are asking for a shelter. It is clear that the proportion of the phenomenon need a deepest involvement both of Europe and international institutions».

On the other hand, the president Mattarella highlighted the «very special relationship between Holy See and Italy». A relationship, he continued «which dunks its roots in history and territorial proximity» e «goes through respectful relationship », becoming strong through «— he concluded —pope ruleship addressed to global situation and nonetheless, addresses directly to the Italian social, economical and politic reality».