After Srebrenica and  Paris the president Capasso is in Manila with a delegation from Fondazione Mediterraneo.
“I come here in honeymoon with my dead wife Rita on january 1980 – declared Capasso – but I have never seen a million people human river. A big emotion, a big hope: for the peace, for the future.” According to the data there were about 7 millions devotes which gathered in the 60 hectares of Rizal Park,  for the last day of Pope’s visit - says father Federico Lombardi, spokeperson of Vatican. The most followed mass in the history: even more than the four – five million presents for John Paul II, here in Manila, the 15 january 1995, in conclusion of World Youth Day. Before the mass, the Pope met with about 30 thousands youngs in campus of university of Saint Tomas in Manila.
“Are we crying when we are seeing an homeless baby, suffering, abandoned, abused and used by the society as a slave?".  If the answer is yes, he asked to youngs, relaunching the question of Jun, ex homeless child: " Why God allow this and why so few people help us?”.
"When the heart is able to address this question and cry- said the Pope – we  cannot understand, there is a secular pity which maximum make us put and hand in our pockets and donate a coin: if Christ would have had this kind of compassion would have just come here, saved 3 or four people and gone back to His Father. Papa Francesco, at the meeting opening, after had asked and get the permission to speak in Spanish said, " First of all, a sad news: yesterday- he told to the presents – before the beginning of the mass, one of the tower felt down and hit one working girl, killing her. Her name was Cristel, she was a 27 years old, young as you and she was working as a volunteer for an association called Catholic Relief Service.

I want all of us and you, young as her, to pray all together  Our Virgin Mary and let’s do a minute of silence for Cristel. Let’s pray. She was an only child. Let’s pray also for his father who is coming to Manila to see her and her mother whom is coming from Hong Kong. "In today’s society women have too much to tell us- says Francis Pope -  so many times we are chauvinist, but a woman is able to see things with a different look, particular gaze, to address questions we men are not able to understand, they are more careful, they are addressing questions: but the only question which doesn’t have answer has have been made by June. The word weren’t enough, so she cried, she needed tears, so when the next Pope will come to Manila, let’s made more women come, please! We need to learn how to cry.”