28 April 2013
Iniziative (EN) -
Maison de la Paix (EN)
The President of Palestine Mahmūd Abbās (Abū Māzen) received copies of his books “La Grande Méditerranée” e “Nostro Mare Nostro” as gift from Michele Capasso. The books trans the major steps in the establishment and work of the Fondazione in the last twenty years in which it has dedicated every effort to the Palestinian cause. A numerous Palestinian delegation attended the ceremony led by the Palestinian Ambassador to Italy, Sabri Ateyehe, the Head of Palestinian Negotiations (former spokesman to Yasser Arafat) Saeb Erekat as well as ministers, diplomats and advisers to Abū Māzen. |
Dedication AR ENG IT
Speech by President Abū Māzen IT ENG
Appeals of the Fondazione Mediterraneo for Palestine
Press articles:
• Il Mattino
• La Repubblica
• Il Corriere della Sera