23 May 2024
Iniziative (EN) -
Maison de la Paix (EN)
Emotion and great joy at Pope Francis' announcement: CARLO WILL BE A SAINT!!!
Less than a year ago, on 30 June 2023, the naming ceremony of "Ambassador of the United States of the World for the Earth and for Peace" to the memory of CARLO ACUTIS took place in Scampia, for his being an exemplary model of values for the new generations and for those to come; present at the ceremony was Carlo's mother Mrs. Antonia Salzano Acutis who thanked him "for the high honour" and for the "good that the United States of the World does for humanity".
Mrs. Antonia Salzano Acutis recalled on that occasion the importance of the "United States of the World", which brings together 181 countries and more than 16,000 civil society organisations united to save the Earth and ensure Peace.
"The nomination to the memory of Carlo Acutis," we said on that occasion, "constitutes an important step in the path of Love and Peace undertaken for 35 years.
Mother Antonia on that occasion, donated a relic of her son to the Peace Museum, which is even more precious to us all today.
The Museum will host a room dedicated to Carlo with exhibits, videos and testimonies of the young man who dedicated his short life to Jesus with the motto "God not me".