In connection from Naples with the House of Prayer of San Biagio (Subiaco) there was a moment of remembrance entitled “Let's remember” on the occasion of the first anniversary of the ascent to heaven of Sister Maria Pia Giudici. Connected from various countries of the world, the "Sanbiagini" recalled their experience with Sister Maria Pia by tracing the path of a long and particular life, dedicated to Jesus and the Gospel. Images, poems, paintings, books, interviews and much more detailed the path of a nun who was an example for many.
The president Michele Capasso, moved, recalled her long affectionate friendship with Sister Maria Pia and the example of a simple life in joy, well summarized in the film "MARIA PIA GIUDICI: JOY IN A SIMPLE LIFE". On this occasion, Sister Maria Pia's visits to the Don Bosco Museum and Chapel were remembered