President Capasso and the Foundation's Board of Directors expressed their disdain for the serious attack on democracy that took place in the Parliament of the United States of America. "The images coming from Washington are very serious" said President Capasso.
When we created the Fondazione Mediterraneo 30 years ago, we indicated in Parliament the "temple" of democratic values ​​because Parliament itself is a temple of democracy: it is sad and worrying to see it attacked by many people fomented by a man, Donald Trump, who still holds the most prestigious position in the nation, that of president of the United States.
Now, even, he is shot inside Capitol Hill with some dead! It will be difficult to heal America's deep wounds: the best energies in the country will be needed. We always say that democracy should never be taken for granted, that it must be defended and respected in the first place by those who hold institutional roles. What is happening is a warning and a warning. For all of us.
Great sorrow for America and the Americans ”.