The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo spoke at the inauguration of the celebrations of Ignazio Silone and at the "Silonian literary drying rack".
Through Via delle Botteghe, where the writer's birthplace is, recently restored and close to inauguration, again through Via del Carmine where the Museum dedicated to Silone is located and then down towards the staircase, the route is June at the Fonti Vecchie, a place where Silone's tomb is located.
Along the way, it was possible to read the articles that the national and world press published on the occasion of his death and which were collected by Antonio Gasbarrini - curator - together with Annibale Gentile in the volume "Silone tra l'Abruzzo e il Mondo".
To enrich the evening, a series of other events that animated the town to the delight of visitors: Tamara Macera and Pietro Angelone, in Piazza dell’Orologio, were engaged in a series of readings with musical accompaniment; the CAI Valle del Giovenco, at 6:45 pm led the guests on a Silonian excursion; we have not forgotten the children who were involved at 9:00 pm in the review "Read me a story" which, through a series of activities, encouraged an approach to literature and theater. Then again the museum visits and the drafting of a collective story through “the suitcase of ideas”. On Saturday 22 August the program was even richer and more interesting from a cultural and artistic point of view; at 10:00 a "live painting" inspired by the splendid and painful stories woven into Silone's novels while at 16:30 another live, this time with a Silonian musical theme, enlivened the afternoon at the Cloister of the S. Francis; at 18:00 the highlight of the event: at the writer's tomb, some representatives of the Italian Red Cross, the Civil Protection and the P.T.A. they have read from Pescina - strictly without a microphone, as the writer's express will - some pages of Silone's novels. At 9.15 pm at the Silone Refuge, the Cultural Association Il Laboratorio presented a monologue, with musical accompaniment, by Lino Liulianella who recited "A dint of being wind".
President Capasso concludes: "The poignant ballad by Fabrizio De Andrè is moving: congratulations to the city of Pescina which, together with the heads of the Study Center, has made great efforts to honor the anniversary of the death of the illustrious fellow citizen; the lights do not go down and the curtain does not fall on his greatness as a writer who, like few others, was able to bet and win on the essential word and managed to make the lived experience and the local human universal