The Pope during his visit to Sardinia has improvised a prayer focused on the job:

“Lord God, look at us, look at this city, this island, view our families, you did not miss the job, you’ve done a carpenter and you were happy. Lord there is no work, idols want our dignity, unjust systems they want to steal our hope, Lord, do not leave us alone, please help us help among us, that we forget a bit of selfishness and feel in our hearts the us, we are a people who want to get ahead. Lord Jesus which did not fail the job give us work and teach us to fight for the job, and bless us all”.


“It’s easy to say do not lose hope, why I tell you: do not steal the hope, which is like the embers under the ashes, let us help blowing together, because the fire is”.

Pope Francis has addressed these words to the workers of companies in crisis. “This - he said - is not optimism, hope we all know, we have to support it all together, it’s ours and yours”. “The lack of work - said the Pope - is not a problem of Sardinia, even if it is strong here, but is the consequence of a world, of an economic system that leads to this tragedy, an economic system that has to center an idol which is called money”.