The spreading of terrorism on a planetary scale, the stalemate of the peace-keeping process and the ecological risks impose concrete efforts to meet new challenges: political, cultural, economic, social and environmental ones.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been concerned with these subjects, since 1994, working for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Union for the Mediterranean) and for the development of the relations between  Europe and the Arab World through actions aiming at promoting dialogue between the different cultures.

In order to strengthen relations and cooperation between Europe and the Arab World – especially at a moment when the global crisis and the increasing tensions in the Middle East risk to stop the dialogue started by social and institutional actors - it is indispensable to promote an organic reflection and to valorize the examples of good practices, so as to make the best use of the available resources.

For these reasons the Fondazione Mediterraneo – together with the League of the Arab States and other institutional partners from European and Arab World Countries - has decided to establish the Maison des Alliances,  whose  primary aim is to promote, in the global scene, the neighbourhood among the Peoples of Europe, of the Mediterranean and of the Arab World by dissemination of knowledge and of centuries-old historical-cultural  memories, in order to strengthen  community and solidarity feelings, as well as raising awareness of shared  values and interests.


See the Maison's website:

L'ambasciatore del Kuwait a Roma Sheikh Ali Khalid Al-Jaber Al-Sabah è stato ospite alla Maison des Alliances con una delegazione del Kuwait.
Accolto dal  presidente della Fondazione, Michele Capasso, che lo ha ricevuto con Pia Molinari ed il prof. Antonio Capuano, Sheikh Ali è stato informato sulle varie attività della Maison e sulle pagine di storia scritte tra queste mura in vent’anni di attività per la pace e il dialogo.
All’ambasciatore è stato offerto un esemplare del “Totem della Pace” di Mario Molinari con dedica in occasione della visita ufficiale.
Al termine dell’incontro, all’ambasciatore è stata offerta - dal titolare Antonio De Martino - una coppa del famoso gelato dello “Chalet Ciro a Mergellina”, che il diplomatico ha definito il “Maradona del Gelato nel mondo”.

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