MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

The MAMT- Mediterranean Museum of Art, Music and Traditions is an institution created by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the aim “to experience” in an interactive way, the positive emotions of Our Sea through Arts, Music and Traditions. The MAMT is one of the most important initiatives of Fondazione Mediterraneo: an active space created in order to let communicate Arts, Music and Traditions of the Mediterranean contemporary society. The awareness of a past full of ancient traditions is the base for the construction of a rational and connected humanity: the vastness of the Mediterranean area collects together the responsibility, the hard work and intelligence with the ability to share spaces and cultures. Today, more than ever, the sense of future is given by the awareness of the sorrow, of the conflicts and at the same time by the ability to share joys and bond.
Art and Music are since ever the tool of communication and sharing of the humanity that, in a particular “Mediterranean” path, allows us to overtake the violence of the human being that showed itself in his greater brutality in countries as Bosnia, Palestine, Syria and other places: as testify of this there are Bosnia, in order not to forget and Suffering and Hope in the world, exhibitions of the museum.

At the same time there are symbols inviting to meeting and hope appear in lands of desolation and Hush: The Ferrigno Nativity Scene, the exhibition a Sea, three Faiths, the Peace and the Last Neapolitan Supper are part of the Museum.
Near the Totem of Peace and other works by Mario Molinari, sculptor of the color, accompanies the lonely journey of freedom, the Dreamlike World of John Crown and the desire of participation and recognition of the role of women in the Mediterranean in the exhibition “Breaking the Veils, women artists of Islamic World”.
Fado, Flamenco, Tango and Sirtaki, the Song of Naples, the Great Lyric Operas, Arabic Music and the Classics of all the times catch the attention of the audience with the acoustic perfection of the “Music hall” of the Museum.
The section dedicated to Pino Daniele has a particular meaning.
The warm of the Mediterranean human nature and the awareness of the necessity to keep track, the the wealth and the fertility find in the “Section Architecture” – with the Associated presences of Alvaro Siza, Ciamarra Picas, Vittorio Di Pace, Nicola Pagliara, Marco Introini and others - and in the Voices of the Migrants and other strong point.
The artworks of Pietro and Rino Volpe mark Mediterranean signs in which the culture and the literature merge with the creativity making a unique collection.
A collection of HD video about the most important sites of the Campania Region will accompany the tourists of cruises and the visitors in the whole building: the ground floor facing on Municipio Square will host an info-point unique in its kind. The MAMT is also an articulated system of services in the heart of the city of Naples: the library, the emeroteque, the music hall, salt conventions, the restaurants, the Euromedcafé, the residences and the bookshop receive the visitor with sympathy and enthusiasm: that enthusiasm of the Mediterranean!

The Museum of Peace - MAMT has organized the "World Poetry Day" on its multimedia platform, at this very difficult time for everyone.
Poetry reaffirms our common humanity by showing that people all over the world share the same questions and the same feelings. Poetry is the backbone of oral tradition and, over the centuries, has shown how it can communicate the deepest values ​​of different cultures.
In celebrating World Poetry Day on March 21, the United Nations Organization for Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO) recognizes the unique ability of poetry to reflect the creative spirit of individuals.
One of the main objectives of the day is to support the linguistic and cultural diversity of our societies through poetic expression and to offer languages ​​that risk disappearing the possibility of being listened to within their communities.
The celebration of World Poetry Day also aims to:

  • encourage a return to the oral tradition of poetry recitals;
  • promote the teaching of poetry;
  • re-establish a dialogue between it and other arts such as theater, dance, music and painting;
  • support small publishers;
  • create an attractive image of poetry in the media, so that the art of poetry is no longer considered as an obsolete art form, but which allows society as a whole to find and affirm its own identity.

Celebrated on March 21 of each year, the World Poetry Day pays tribute to one of the most ancient and precious forms of expression and to the cultural and linguistic identities of humanity. Practiced throughout history - in every culture and every continent - poetry speaks to our humanity and our common values, transforming the simplest poems into a powerful catalyst for dialogue and peace.
The decision to proclaim World Poetry Day on March 21 was first adopted in 1999, on the occasion of the 30th session of UNESCO in Paris. The primary objective is to support linguistic diversity through poetic expression and increase the chances of languages ​​at risk of being heard.
World Poetry Day is an opportunity to honor the authors of poetry and to promote and practice reading, writing and teaching poetry, in particular by giving it greater visibility in the media. Poetry continues to bring people together across continents and generations.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT organized the "World Happiness Day" on the multimedia platform.
Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated International Happiness Day on March 20 because happiness and well-being are two universal aspirations worldwide and it is important to take them into account in the public action program. Since then, the United Nations has adopted a new agenda for sustainable development, articulated on 17 sustainable development goals, as well as a global agreement on climate change.
On the occasion of International Happiness Day, the United Nations invites the Member States, international and regional organizations, as well as civil society and the general public to celebrate this day by organizing educational activities and awareness-raising campaigns.

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed International Happiness Day on March 20 in Resolution A / RES / 66/281 of July 12, 2012. The Organization therefore recognizes that happiness and well-being should be taken into account in political objectives. It also recognizes the need to adopt economic growth in a broader, more equitable and balanced way which promotes sustainable development, the elimination of poverty and the happiness and well-being of all peoples.
This resolution is the result of an initiative by Bhutan, a country that has favored the Gross National Happiness Index over that of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) since the 1970s. It was also on the initiative of the government of Bhutan that senior officials and representatives of religious organizations, universities and civil society met in 2012 at the United Nations headquarters to discuss new ways of measuring well-being and happiness by going beyond a purely paradigm. cheap.


  • Resolution A / RES / 66/281
  • Dag Hammarskjöld Library - English-speaking guide to happiness
  • The universal declaration of human rights
  • Sustainable development goals
  • Human Development Report (2019)
  • World Population Status (2019)
  • The state of the world's children (2019)

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Today the museum would have hosted the official meeting "The feeling is safe", on the occasion of the birthday-name of Pino Daniele.
Many activities planned with the "Pino Daniele Trust", postponed after the "Corona Virus" emergency.
Our thoughts go NOW to the victims and to those who are committed to saving lives.

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The Museum of Peace - MAMT remains closed until April 3, 2020 as provided by the Prime Ministerial Decree of April 8, 2020 (art.2, paragraph "d").
The emotional pathways and most of the videos "The Campania of emotions" are available on the porta and on the "Youtube" channel of the Museum.

The Direction

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