MAMT||Museo Mediterraneo dell' Arte, della Musica e delle Tradizioni (EN)

Large influx of visitors to the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the live connection on the big screens with Pope Francesco da Greccio for the signing of his "Apostolic Letter on the true meaning of the crib".
The Pope returned to the "second Bethlehem" after four years to sign the document on the meaning and value of this custom invented by St. Francis.
Sitting in front of the altar of the cave where St. Francis made the first nativity scene in history, the Pope plunges into a profound silence. The fresco with the Madonna nursing the Child Jesus seems to look at him with tenderness. And he also raises his eyes from time to time towards the image, in a silent dialogue. Yes, it is true, there is no need for so many words in this "new Bethlehem" set in the heart of the Lazio Apennines.
Because speaking is the same crib and because "the scene that is placed before our eyes - underlines Francesco in the subsequent short meditation - expresses the wisdom we need to grasp the essential". Silence and prayer, to transmit the fundamental message of the birth of Jesus are the ingredients of this afternoon of early Advent, in which the Pope visits the sanctuary at the gates of Greccio and signs a letter on the meaning and value of the crib, a tradition that we must continue, the Pope writes in the document, at home, as well "in workplaces, in schools, in hospitals, in prisons, in squares". But during the visit, prayer prevails, which is transmitted after the warm welcome of the arrival, even to a few thousand faithful, who have come from all over the area. A climate of recollection that actually recreates that of the Holy Night

"God loves us to the point of sharing our humanity and our life - the Pontiff recalls -. He never leaves us alone; he accompanies us with his hidden but not invisible presence. In every circumstance, in joy as in pain, He is the Emmanuel, God with us ". And so we too must, we must bring joy "where there is sadness" and "hope to those who have lost it". Therefore the Pope invites: "Let us identify ourselves in Mary, who laid her Son in the manger, because there was no place in a house. With her and with Saint Joseph, her husband, we keep our eyes turned to the Child Jesus. His smile, blossomed in the night, scatter indifference and open hearts to the joy of those who feel loved by the Father who is in heaven ".

The Pope, for his second visit to Greccio, after that of 4 January 2016, arrives from Rome by helicopter a few hundred meters from the sanctuary. It's about 15.40. Already at the foot of the aircraft Francesco stops to greet the sick and some people with disabilities, distributing smiles and caresses and receiving letters and requests for prayer in exchange. Then by car he went to the Shrine grotto, where, was welcomed by the bishop of Rieti, Domenico Pompili, by the guardian of the same sanctuary, Father Francesco Rossi, also present Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for the promotion of the new evangelization , and Father Leonardo Sapienza, regent of the Prefecture of the Papal Household. The descent towards the cave is not easy and Francesco di lean on the arm of the young bishop of Rieti, but does not lose his smile, even when inside the small sanctuary he entertains with the community of the Franciscans.

A prolonged moment of prayer and recollection follows, then the Pope signs on the altar the apostolic letter Admirabile signum which Fisichella offers him and which we reproduce in its entirety below. Finally, before going to the church of the Sanctuary, to preside over the celebration of the Word and deliver his short speech, he exchanges a few words with the religious present in the chapel. "Announce the Gospel if it is necessary also with the word - he says quoting Saint Francis - There is no need to convince, the Spirit thinks about it. The Lord has made himself land and fallen in love with our land. Remember: poverty, humility and miracles leave them to God ". To a nun who says to him: "The Lord blesses every step", he replies: "I really need it". Then he asks: "How does the bishop behave?" (Pompili, ed) receiving insurance that behaves well. Finally, to a friar who tells him that he was in Jerusalem and touched the stone of the Holy Sepulcher, he jokes: "But do you believe he has risen?"

People's embrace continues outside. The Pope does not seem to be in a hurry, nor to be affected by the rather sparkling temperature. He greets a group of young people dressed as figurines of the nativity scene, then he entertains himself with the children singing a nursery rhyme in a choir. He shakes hands, talks with the faithful. Inside the sanctuary there is also the bishop emeritus of Rieti, Delio Lucarelli, in addition to the mayors of the area. And it is here that the Pope underlines the dimension of simplicity that the crib inspires and recalls that in front of this representation "we discover how important it is for our life, so often frenetic, to find moments of silence and prayer". Then the letter is delivered symbolically to a group of faithful and read out.

Below is the full text of the letter, which, by reviewing the various characters of the crib, leads us almost by the hand in front of the Bethlehem Grotto and in the presence of newborn Jesus and the Holy Family. But above all, the Pope writes "the crib is part of the sweet and demanding process of transmission of the faith". Basically "each of us", recalls Francis, must "be the bearer of the Beautiful News with those he meets, bearing witness to the joy of having met Jesus and his love with concrete actions of mercy".

Around 5.00 pm the Pope left the sanctuary to take the helicopter back to Rome. A visit of 80 minutes in all, but extremely significant. After all, in front of the crib, as he said to himself, not many words are needed