Maison des Alliances (EN)


The spreading of terrorism on a planetary scale, the stalemate of the peace-keeping process and the ecological risks impose concrete efforts to meet new challenges: political, cultural, economic, social and environmental ones.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo has been concerned with these subjects, since 1994, working for the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (Union for the Mediterranean) and for the development of the relations between  Europe and the Arab World through actions aiming at promoting dialogue between the different cultures.

In order to strengthen relations and cooperation between Europe and the Arab World – especially at a moment when the global crisis and the increasing tensions in the Middle East risk to stop the dialogue started by social and institutional actors - it is indispensable to promote an organic reflection and to valorize the examples of good practices, so as to make the best use of the available resources.

For these reasons the Fondazione Mediterraneo – together with the League of the Arab States and other institutional partners from European and Arab World Countries - has decided to establish the Maison des Alliances,  whose  primary aim is to promote, in the global scene, the neighbourhood among the Peoples of Europe, of the Mediterranean and of the Arab World by dissemination of knowledge and of centuries-old historical-cultural  memories, in order to strengthen  community and solidarity feelings, as well as raising awareness of shared  values and interests.


See the Maison's website:

The main actions of the Maison des Alliances include:

1. To host periodically and systematically - in a symbolically significant location - experts, persons responsible and decision-makers of institutions, international bodies, associations and institutionalized networks in order to: analyze the problems existing in their respective thematic areas; promote and valorize the examples of good practices; produce shared solutions having an immediate impact, taking into account and respecting the different views.

2. To draw up a paper consisting of 3 parts: analysis, indication of good  practices and recommendations. The paper – produced by international experts meeting at the Maison des Alliances upon suggestion of the scientific Council – shall be addressed to decision-makers and to the persons responsible for institutions and Governments and will be subject to a follow up, so as to monitor its operational impact.

3. To produce innovative thinking - to accompany and enrich MdA political and  strategic actions – through periodical meetings of the members of the “Pondering Committee” established by the  Fondazione Mediterraneo (made up of intellectuals, economists, artists, political decision-makers, etc.).

4. To create a file and a data bank – on paper support and on a website –containing documentation and information about the thematic areas dealt with.

5. To organize an annual plenary meeting of the  participants in the meetings of the different thematic areas.

6. To produce a “ Europe – Arab World Annual Report” to be used as reference by the decision-makers.

7. To organize, every two years, the Forum des Alliances: this event will see the participation of representatives of politics, associations, culture and economics coming from European and Arab Countries, to discuss a specific subject suggested by the Scientific Council.

To promote culture as an instrument to allow men and women to have access to the world and to knowledge, providing them with the means to express their aspirations and to construct a dialogue which is indispensable for the future of European and Arab peoples.

To carry out activities which valorize the contribution given by the different cultures to shared heritage and knowledge, highlighting the potentialities of the exchange of experiences and spreading the awareness of the mutual influences that have nourished traditions, uses and habits in order to realize a new Humanism as a basis for the understanding among European Peoples and the Arab World.

To facilitate the cooperation between Institutions, Research Centers, Universities and organisms in order to update knowledge and to carry out joint initiatives aiming at struggling against prejudice and at disseminating innovations of thought and sciences as well as the examples of good practices related to new technologies applied to sustainable development.

To promote studies and experiences meant to facilitate the coexistence and interaction of persons and groups having different cultural backgrounds.

To promote, systematically, information and communication about the different initiatives undertaken for the cooperation between Europe and the Arab World in order to avoid duplications and waste of resources.

International intellectuals met to analyze the situation in Iran and to make proposals to politicians: this is the aim of the Maison des Alliances - created by Fondazione Mediterraneo in collaboration with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, the Legue of Arab States and the Anna Lindh Foundation – in order to make “reflections” and “thoughts” as a reference for geopolitics. 

Coordinated by President Michele Capasso, the French Gilles Kepel, the PalestinianKhalil Abdelqader Issa, the Moroccan Youssef Jerrari, the Spanish Nicolas Roser and others intellectuals discussed the situation in Iran and proposed a document to send to politicians.

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The "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures, represented by President Andreu Claret, joined the project "Maison des Alliances" proposed by Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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The League of Arab Sates, represented by Secretary General Amr Moussa, joined the project of "Maison des Alliances" proposed by Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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On proposal of the President Abdelwahed Radi, the Parlamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean joined to the project "Maison des Alliances" proposed by Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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The Union des Jeunes Euro-Maghrébins (UJEM) and the Federacion Asociaciones de Jovenes Emprendedores de Castilla y Leon organized the 4th edition of the Euromagrebin Forum of Youth in Miranda de Ebro (Spain).

Fondazione Mediterraneo partecipated with a relation of the President Michele Capasso who attented a round table with Ismail Alaoui, President of Progress Party and Moroccan Socialism, and Carmen Romero, President of Circulo Mediterraneo.

At the end of the Forum, young people drew up a formal document for the creation of the“Maison des Alliances” in Naples at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo. The “Maison des Alliances” should be a symbolic place where to gather up informally decisors and organizers of different International bodies to realize common actions, to avoid waste of resources.

Other suggestions adopted:
- the organisation of the Second Euromagrebin Caravan of Youth;
- the launch of Euromagrebin Show of public sector in Tangeri;
- the creation of a Euromagrebin Radio for young people;
- the organisation of the next edition of the Forum in Naples, at the seat of Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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