Maison de la Paix || Casa Universale delle Culture (EN)



The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture is a place strongly representative, in which will convey the knowledge of the different identities and cultures, structuring permanently initiatives aimed at the spreading of peace, necessary for the shared development.

The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture (MdP) is a project conceived by Michele Capasso, approved by many Countries and international organizations. It is an architecture that keeps the memory of many Peace activities which created history, often more than the wars, but it is – above all – a space "to build” Peace.

The architectonical complex has an important symbolic worth: it represents the Countries of the World engaged in the Peace process and the Countries victim of the conflicts.

Proposed by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison des Alliances – together with the main adherent organizations, such as the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the League of Arab States, the "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and others, the MdP represents a referent point for all the ones who dedicate their lives to peace.

The symbol of the MdP is the "Totem for Peace", an artwork by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is promoting all around the world, creating the network of the "Cities for Peace".

The first seat of the MdP was inaugurated on the 14th of June 2010 (Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture) in the historical building of the Grand Hotel de Londres in Naples.

The action of the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture aims at improving the main activities of the "Universal Forum of Cultures" in: Barcelona (2004), Monterrey (2007), Valparaiso (2010) and Naples (2013).

The Maison de la Paix performs most of the initiatives jointly with the Maison de la Méditerranée.


The 6th World Urban Forum organised in Naples by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) also aimed at promoting the role of youths as actors in the development of cities. To this end, on 2 September 2012, the World Urban Youth Assembly dedicated a day to the theme of promoting gender equality.

During the session, President Michele Capasso reported on “Youth Employment, Entrepreneurship and Social responsibility: The development of initiatives for Urban Youth”; at the end were awarded of the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" to a delegation of young people from 147 countries.

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The 6th World Urban Forum organised in Naples by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) also aimed at promoting the role of women as actors in the development of cities. To this end, 2 September 2012 was dedicated to the Gender Equality Action Assembly (GEAA).

The GEAA discussed the progress made and challenges that remain for the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP) outlining the strategic actions and their political implications. This plan sets out the guidelines that guarantee women and men more equitable access to public resources and services. Moreover, the promote equal participation of women in all aspects of town planning. Within the framework of its stated objectives, a debate was held on sustainable way of moving forward towards the attainment of economic empowerment of women in cities and guidelines were laid down on the policies to be adopted.

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On the eve of the 6th World Urban Forum, President  Michele Capasso, met with the Director General of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), and UN Under-Secretary General Joan Clos.
On that occasion, the former Mayor of Barcelona reminded participants that collaboration with the Fondazione Mediterraneo began in 1995 when an international conference was organized with the Fondazione Mediterraneo entitled: “The Cities of the Mediterranean”.


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For 20 years, the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been dedicated to the issues that will be debated at the 6th World Urban Forum to be held in Naples from 1-6 September 2012, at which it is also a  partner. It will collaborate on the themes dedicated to Women and Youths (2 September 2012), and will present a project for the “Interethnic City”, in addition to awarding a special edition of the “Mediterranean Award” and making an “Appeal for Syria”, the text of which has been subscribed to by thousands of people from all over the world in just a few days, among them, politicians, intellectuals and academics, men of women from cultural and scientific circles, as well as diplomats and citizens. These include Mohamed El Aziz Ben Achour (Director General ALECSO), Sister Maria Pia Giudici – Mediterranean Award for Interreligious Dialogue - Maria Angels Somillo, Andrè Morin, Alvaro Branco and others.

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An operational meeting took place at the Secretariat of the World Urban Forum with directors of UN-HABITAT, young people and women to discuss the themes of women and youths, which are programmed for 2 September.

The Fondazione Mediterraneo is a partner at these events.

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