Maison de la Paix || Casa Universale delle Culture (EN)



The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture is a place strongly representative, in which will convey the knowledge of the different identities and cultures, structuring permanently initiatives aimed at the spreading of peace, necessary for the shared development.

The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture (MdP) is a project conceived by Michele Capasso, approved by many Countries and international organizations. It is an architecture that keeps the memory of many Peace activities which created history, often more than the wars, but it is – above all – a space "to build” Peace.

The architectonical complex has an important symbolic worth: it represents the Countries of the World engaged in the Peace process and the Countries victim of the conflicts.

Proposed by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison des Alliances – together with the main adherent organizations, such as the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the League of Arab States, the "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and others, the MdP represents a referent point for all the ones who dedicate their lives to peace.

The symbol of the MdP is the "Totem for Peace", an artwork by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is promoting all around the world, creating the network of the "Cities for Peace".

The first seat of the MdP was inaugurated on the 14th of June 2010 (Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture) in the historical building of the Grand Hotel de Londres in Naples.

The action of the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture aims at improving the main activities of the "Universal Forum of Cultures" in: Barcelona (2004), Monterrey (2007), Valparaiso (2010) and Naples (2013).

The Maison de la Paix performs most of the initiatives jointly with the Maison de la Méditerranée.


The inauguration ceremony of the 2020 Judicial Year of the TAR CAMPANIA took place. Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari spoke on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
The work of the Campania Regional Administrative Court was characterised by "rather high standards of efficiency and optimal levels in the relationship between the quality of the work carried out and the resources applied, despite the lack of personnel".
These are the words of the president of the Campania TAR, Vincenzo Salamone, in his report for the inauguration of the judicial year of the regional administrative court.
In 2021, the Campania Regional Administrative Court could count on a staff of 39 units divided into 8 sections, of which the IV section "forced" to work with reduced ranks with only 4 magistrates.
It should be noted," Salamone writes, "that the number of magistrates in service at first instance is considerably lower than the number of magistrates in law, in view of the 49 posts provided for in the establishment plan. The number of staff could increase after the assignment of the winners of the competition still in progress.
"The increase of the staff - underlines the president - would allow the rebalancing of the workloads and a less fragmentation of the tasks". On the results front, Salamone points out that in 2021 there was a 15.28 per cent reduction in the backlog, which made it possible to go from 13,243 pending appeals on 31 December 2020 to 11,220 on 31 December 2021. On the whole - he concludes - the trend of the Court's judicial activity is in line with the rules on the acceleration and definition of judgments in certain times and with the objective recommended by the Presidency Council of the Administrative Justice to reduce the pending cases".

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In line with the Joint Communication on a Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood and the New Deal on Migration and Asylum, the EU encourages more systematic efforts to coordinate actions with neighbouring countries. To strengthen this coordination, the EU envisages the development of Migration Partnerships, as tailor-made agreements incorporating the political priorities of EU partners and countries.
In this respect, the European Institute for the Mediterranean (IEMed), in the framework of the "EuroMeSCo connecting the dots" project, and the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in the framework of the "EuroMed Migration 5" project, conducted this survey to reflect on the improvement of migration partnerships between the EU and the southern Mediterranean countries.
The survey targeted respondents from southern Mediterranean countries, including policy makers, experts and civil society representatives, and its results should reflect the priorities and views in the respective national contexts of southern Mediterranean countries, thus paving the way for an evidence-based approach to negotiating partnerships.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo is a founding member of the EuroMeSCo network and supports and disseminates its main activities.

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On March 11th, IPI hosted a virtual conversation among four former UN senior officials on “The War in Ukraine: Anticipating Dilemmas for the UN as it Strives to Stop the Fighting.”
As the war progresses in Ukraine and millions of lives are upended, questions concerning ceasefires, humanitarian pauses and the like will advance. What dilemmas will the UN inevitably face when working to establish mechanisms to stop the fighting?
How can a ceasefire or humanitarian pause be negotiated without rewarding aggression?
What are the lessons from past experience?
And how can a constructive path forward be established?

  • Mark Malloch Brown, President of the Open Society Foundations, former UN Deputy Secretary-General, and Administrator of the UN Development Programme;
  • Karin Landgren, Executive Director of Security Council Report, former UN Under-Secretary-General, and Head of three UN Peace Operations;
  • Jan Egeland, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Refugee Council and former UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator;
  • Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, President of the International Peace Institute and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Among the discussants was Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.

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