Maison de la Paix || Casa Universale delle Culture (EN)



The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture is a place strongly representative, in which will convey the knowledge of the different identities and cultures, structuring permanently initiatives aimed at the spreading of peace, necessary for the shared development.

The Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture (MdP) is a project conceived by Michele Capasso, approved by many Countries and international organizations. It is an architecture that keeps the memory of many Peace activities which created history, often more than the wars, but it is – above all – a space "to build” Peace.

The architectonical complex has an important symbolic worth: it represents the Countries of the World engaged in the Peace process and the Countries victim of the conflicts.

Proposed by the Fondazione Mediterraneo with the Maison des Alliances – together with the main adherent organizations, such as the Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly, the League of Arab States, the "Anna Lindh" Euro-Mediterranean Foundation and others, the MdP represents a referent point for all the ones who dedicate their lives to peace.

The symbol of the MdP is the "Totem for Peace", an artwork by the Italian sculptor Mario Molinari which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is promoting all around the world, creating the network of the "Cities for Peace".

The first seat of the MdP was inaugurated on the 14th of June 2010 (Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture) in the historical building of the Grand Hotel de Londres in Naples.

The action of the Maison de la Paix - Casa Universale delle Culture aims at improving the main activities of the "Universal Forum of Cultures" in: Barcelona (2004), Monterrey (2007), Valparaiso (2010) and Naples (2013).

The Maison de la Paix performs most of the initiatives jointly with the Maison de la Méditerranée.


During  a meeting with Sicily Region Rosario Crocetta – in occasion of birth of  political workgroup “Megafono Toscano”  promoted by Salvatore Càlleri –president of FM Michele Capasso stressed the necessity of a political action in order to solve emergencies present in Italy and in general in euro mediterranean region, focusing about the great urban areas. Has been decided to extend the studio to euro mediterranean region and start concrete initiatives in cities as Naples, Palermo, Catania and others.

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The  president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso presented to the Senato’s president Pietro Grasso the  Report 2014  and Revue 2004-2015 of Foundation Anna Lindh.
The president Grasso plaused the initiative and regretted couldn’t have come before to Naples and join to the events for concomitant institutional commitments.


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Presidents Pietro Grasso and Michele Capasso are agree on the necessity to struggle the moral degradation on the public life.  During their speech held at XX°  Antimafia Meeting, highlighted the importance of initiatives by political parties and organs aim to give back dignity, reliability and  for the Common Good to the action operating at all levels. In particular, president Capasso, put attention on the YOUTH EMERGENCY, which affects our youngs whom, disappointed by politics, lost their hope and prospect and are not able anymore to work as “constructor” of our future.

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It took place in Rome in the headquarter of FAO the second “International conference on malnutrition”.
Especially noteworthy the speech of Pope Francis:

"It is really frustrating to realize how the struggle against hunger and malnutrition is obstructed by market priorities and pre-eminence of profits, which reduced food to a common staff, subject to speculation, also financial speculation".

He started in this way His speech, interrupted several times by the thunderous applauses by dignitaries from all over the world. 
The Pope arrived in the headquarter of Onu Ministry in Roma before 11:00. At the third floor of the building, before to enter in the Conference Hall the Pope met the Spanish Queen  who had yet finished her participation, introduced by greetings by Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies Minister Maurizio Martina, president of the Conference, and by the introduction of Josè Graziano da Silva, general director of Fao. 
The entrance of Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio, followed by General Cardinal Pietro Parolin, had been welcomed by the standing ovation of the attendants to the meeting. The Pope addressed to the assembly in Spanish.

"Nowadays we are talking so much about rights, often forgetting about duties- He stated- Maybe we don’t think so much about those who are suffer the hunger. And when we are talking about new rights, we are not taking in account the hunger man over there, at the corner of the street, who asks for the right to live, to be taken in the account in his condition, to have a basic alimentation.

He asks us dignity, not handout. So,- kept on the Pope – the challenge to be faced is the absence of solidarity. Our societies are characterized by growing individualism and division. That’s lead to deprive poor people of life right and to arouse revolts against institutions.

The president of Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso highlighted the spreading of “ legal criminality”: those action which, under the legality sphere, take resources to direct intervents in some sectors: from excessive administrative costs of institutions to the not equal distribution of available resources.

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