Complete Lest || of events

The environmentalist  "guru" of New York water front Tom Fox, the architect  Michele Capasso and psychologist Caterina Arcidiacono elaborated proposal for the redevelopment of Naples water front, from Vigliena to Bagnoli.

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Fondazione Mediterraneo hosted in his headquarters and in its MAMT museum spoke people  from all over the world whom come to Naples to join to the “9° European Meeting of Community Psichology”. An important moment of meeting and confrontation, in the tradition of Fondazione Mediterraneo which for 20 years fosters dialogue and exchange between cultures and civilizations.

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From more than sixty years, on mandate of United Nations General Assembly, UNRWAONU agency for Palestinian refugees assistance – provides humanitarian help, basic services and economical opportunities to millions of people coming from Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, along with occupied Palestinian Territories. In occasion of the Italian visit of UNRWA General Commissioner Filippo Grandi, the Deputies Chamber promotes a meeting on the Agency’s activities and Palestinian people’s life conditions in medio oriental regions. Fondazione Mediterraneo joins to the meeting.

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