Complete Lest || of events

The meeting “The contrast to mafia at local, regional and national level took place in the New Hall of the House at the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. The meeting was sponsored by the Anti-mafia Parliamentary Commission. It was the first time that such a meeting, aiming at analysing the situation in the fight to organized criminality in different territorial institutions, was sponsored by the Parliament. Such a need was due to the evolution of mafia power which is showing an outsourcing of criminal interests and a settlement capacity in all Italian regions. Joined the meeting the President of the Parliament Laura Boldrini, and the President of Senate, Piero Grasso. Rosy Bindi, President of Parliamentary Commission Anti-mafia presented the report “The action of public powers in the mafia struggle: the role of Parliamentary Commission”. After, there was a speech about “The action of regional governments” which joined Stefano Caldoro, Campania President Region and Rosario Crocetta, Sicily Region President. The issue “Role of Mayors” has been discussed by the mayors of Reggio Calabria and Milan Giuseppe Falcomatà and Giuliano Pisapia.
The meeting continued in the afternoon at 14:30 when don Luigi Ciotti gave a speech titled “Associations question local and national institutions” which was followed by a discussion among Parliamentary Commission and regional ones. In conclusion there was a speech by Rosy Bindi.
Salvatore Càlleri, Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari joined the meeting  in behalf of Fondazione Mediterraneo and Caponnetto Foundation –which gave birth together to “Mediterranean Observatory about Organized Criminality and Mafias”.

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A delegation of Fondazione Mediterraneo joined the World Social Forum held in Tunis. After Porto Alegre, the Forum took place in Campus Hached El Manar, ten days after the attack to the Museum Bardo. At the slogan “People of the whole world united for freedom, equality, social justice and peace. In support of Tunisian people and all victims of terrorism, against every form of oppression.” more than 70.000 people joined seminars, conferences, workshop and different cultural events which were addressing topics linked to the hanno partecipato a seminari, convegni, workshop ed eventi culturali diversi, con tematiche connesse all’altermondialismo. The Forum ended Saturday 28 March 2015 with the Palestinian people solidarity. The death of migrants in the Mediterranean sea was one of the most discussed topics. The mothers of Tunisians who lose their lives after the 2011 revolution are asking again to Europe to: "Give back our children". There are more than five hundred Tunisian mothers who are in search of their sons whom have become "desaparecidos" during their travel to Italy. The grief of Tunisian mother is partaken also by Middle American ones. At Tunis there was also Marta Sánchez Soler, coordinator of Middle American Migrant Movement which intends to focus the attention to lost people in the world and build a global network between Tunisian, Algerian and Plaza de Mayo mothers at the hopefully and yelling the slogan: “ They took them alive and we want them back alive.” At Tunis Forum mothers partook their grief and struggle towards the institutions which are trying to distort the truth. In the pictures and in the faces which mothers held in their hands there is the will to take identity and give back identity and give human form to the data: these are the efforts of European civil society and Tunisian one which thanks to the Forum had the occasion to become one thing. The aim is to “build a Mediterranean space and make it be a space in which dignity, social justice and rights for all are ensured”.
Particular appreciation was addressed to the efforts made by the Mediterranean Foundation >to restore dignity to migrants died in the sea, in particular the recent implementation of the " Totem of Peace with the urn of Migrants Unknown".

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Pope Francis started from Scampia his pastoral visit in Naples and met people of various social categories.
His words touched in a particular way the people joined the meeting.

You are a long history people –the Holy Father said - touched by complex and tragic events. Life in Naples has never been easy, but it has never been that sad too! This is such a good treasure of you: the joy, the happiness. The daily life in this city, with all its difficulties, disadvantages and sometimes also with its harsh tests, is creator of a “life culture” which helps to stand up after every fall and do what is possible to not let the evil win.This is an interesting challenge: It is the hope and, you are aware of it, this good treasure, this “driving force of the soul”, is so precious as exposed to robbery and assaults.

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The Holy Father Francis left by helicopter from Vatican heliport and went to Naples and Pompeii for His Pastoral Visit.

He arrived a few minutes before 8 and He was welcomed in the Meeting Area of Pompeii Shrine by Eminence Mons. Tommaso Caputo, Pompeii Archbishop and Pontifical Delegate for the Shrine, along with the Mayor of the city, Mr. Nando Uliano.
The Holy Father went by car to the Shrine, where he was welcomed by Mons. Pasquale Mocerino. The Pope said the “Little Supplication” in front of the icon of Blessed Virgin Mary of Santo Rosario. Before to take the helicopter in His coming back to Naples, the Pope greeted from the Shrine the devotees present in the square and whom prayed all the night long.

Here you are the Pope’s words:

Thank you so much for your warm welcome. We all prayed Virgin Mary in order to let her bless all of us: me, you and the whole world. We need Her to put an eyes on you. And I invite you to pray for me, don’t forget it. Now I invite you to say a Hail Mary to the Virgin Mary and after I’ll bless you.

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