Complete Lest || of events

The Panel for the Euromed Award for dialogue among cultures met  to decide the theme for 2016. The composition of the Jury President: the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Anna Lindh Foundation, Estonia, Lebanon, Algeria, Bosnia, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.

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"An unprecedented terrorist attack besieged Paris, less than a year after Charlie Hebdo's massacre, on the night of November 13, 2015. A commando of suicide bombers hit six times in 33 minutes, firing at the crowd, in the street and in the premises, especially among young people who were spending the Friday night out of the house. An attack of unprecedented terrorists in France: at least 129 dead and over 300 wounded, including Italian Valeria Solesin.

A plunder in the heart of Europe that calls for the conscience of all of us to urgent action for dialogue and for peace. "

These were the words of President Michele Capasso right after learning the news of the serious villains attacked.

To President Hollande and all the French friends of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its networks - Mediterranean Academy, Euromedcity and Almamed - the condolences and closeness of the members of the Foundation and the heads of the various sections.

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"It was nice to meet President Mattarella on the staircase of the Church of Santa Maria del Parto in Mergellina: my church, where Father Antonio spreads feelings of peace and dialogue for years," said Capasso's commentary shortly after the casual meeting.
President Mattarella is on official visit to Naples for the inauguration of the School Year at Sannino di Ponticelli and for the commemoration of the "Four Days".

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At the Circolo Canottieri in Naples, the ceremony of the passage of deliveries between the Admiral Antonio Basile, the Maritime Director of Campania and the Commander of the Naples Port, and the Admiral Arturo Faraone.
Admiral Basile left the command of the Maritime Management of Campania and the port of Naples after about three years to assume the new assignment in Rome, at the General Command of Port Capitals, Head of the 4th Department of Media and Materials of the body.
The ceremony was chaired by the Commander General of the Corps, Admiral Inspector Captain Felicio Angrisano che entertained President Capasso on the ongoing initiatives in favor of migrants.
President Capasso praised Admiral Basile, announcing that the jury of the Mediterranean Award awarded him the "Mediterranean Silver Delfino Award" that will be delivered on 21 October 2015 in Naples.

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