Complete Lest || of events

"I was moved when I saw yesterday the embrace between Pope Francis and the great imam of al-Azhar, Muhammad al-Tayyeb, at the conclusion of the audience in the Vatican granted to the spiritual leader of the prestigious Egyptian center of the Islàm Sunnita": President Capasso said yesterday in Rome.
Twenty-five minutes of talk behind closed doors, in the presence of a single interpreter, the Egyptian Coptic secretary of Pope Yoannis Lahzi Gaid, during which two men representing more than 3 billion faithful in the world discussed the importance of inter-religious dialogue and the common commitment of the great religions for peace in the world, for the rejection of violence and terrorism, for the protection of Christians in the context of conflicts and tensions in the Middle Ages.
For more than 25 years, the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been committed to these issues and it has been a day that has given new impetus to hope for a future of peace and coexistence between different civilizations and faiths.

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The conference entitled "Religion and Terrorism" was held at the Cultural Islamic Centre of Italy (the "Great Mosque of Rome"). Various Perspectives ", which included among its speakers were Dr. Rayed Khalid Krimly, Ambassador of the Custos of the Two Sacred Mosques in Italy and Malta and President of the Islamic Centre itself, Prof. Olivier Roy, Professor of Mediterranean Studies and Director of the Mediterranean Program at the European University Institute, Prof. Franco Cardini, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History. Istituto di Scienze Umane e Sociali/Scuola Normale Superiore Firenze/Pisa, and Prof. Andrea Margelletti, President of the Ce. S. I. C. Center for International Studies. The conference was moderated by Paolo Di Giannantonio (TG1 journalist, Rai). The work of the conference was opened with a message of greeting and congratulations from H. E. E.. Cardinal Jean Luis Tauran, President of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, read by Mons. Khaled Akasheh, Secretary Commission for Relations with the Muslims of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
Among the numerous participants present in the crowded Conference Room of the Islamic Centre, the Hon. Fabrizio Cicchitto, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, the Hon. Khaled Chaouki, Prefect Giovanna Maria Iurato, Central Director for Cult Affairs of the Ministry of Interior, Cons. Marco Canaparo, Diplomatic Councillor of the Minister of the Interior Alfano, the Min. Pl. Enrico Granara, Coordinator for Multilateral Affairs of the Mediterranean and Middle East of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Cons. Carlo Batori, Head of Office. VIII DG Political Affairs and Security, again by MAECI, as well as Arab and Islamic Ambassadors and officials of various Diplomatic Missions, professors and university rectors, prominent exponents of the Holy See, as well as representatives of the most prestigious study and think tanks centres and the major Italian journalistic and media publications.

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President Michele Capasso attended the ceremony that took place in the Church of S. Maria del Parto in Mergellina, which was given, together with the building with annexed tower, in 1529 by Poet Jacopo Sannazaro to the Fathers Servants of Mary.
The church houses the tomb of Sannazaro, which is located behind the altar and was built by the Florentine sculptor Giovanni Angelo Montorsoli, assisted by Francesco Del Tadda, towards the end of 1536. The wooden sculpture of the Madonna and Child was made by Saverio Citarelli in 1865.
The enchantment and magic of the place were enlivened by the musical interludes performed by the Aeolous quartet, composed of Annalisa Freda (traverse flute), Manon Chevalier (Corn), Guido Mandeglia (bundle bandage), Francesco Mennella (clarinet).
The jury is composed of Prof. Francesco D' Episcopo - member of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and president of the jury - Prof. Yvonne Carbonaro, Prof. Grazia Cerino, Dr. Ermanno Corsi and Prof. Aldo De Gioia.

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The president  Michele Capasso participate  in the plenary section - for over 25 years dedicated to promoting dialogue and peace – and reaffirmed the inescapability of dialogue to combat terrorism:
"The war on terror produces only the terror of war".
"Only politics with capital" P "can solve this and other emergencies of our era.
Appreciation was expressed among those present, including José Luis Zapatero and Miguel Angels Moratinos.

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Great public success at the event of the 7th Global Forum UNAOC.
"Va Pensiero" of Verdi has opened the concert that - between choir, orchestra and dancers - has seen more than 300 artists on stage.
President Michele Capasso congratulated Minister Abulfas Garayev and Ambassador Nassir Abdulaziz al-Nasser, the ONU High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations.

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