Complete Lest || of events

Was held at Venice from 24 May 25, 2013 at the General Assembly of the Italian network ALF.
The Executive Director attended Andreu Claret, the co-ordinators Michele Capasso, Roberto Russo and Elisa Adorno, pl. Stefano Queirolo Palmas of MAE, the parliamentarian Khalid Chaouki and some members of the network.
After the greetings, the Executive Director of the Foundation “Anna Lindh” Andreu Claret was illustrating the next of the ALF guidelines.
Are then examined various proposals including one to concentrate available resources on a few useful initiatives to implement communication – especially through new social media – and the increased participation of the members of the network.
Of particular interest was the session devoted to the "capacity building" coordinated by the Deputy Director of ANSA Carlo Gambalonga and dedicated to the new media, the Internet and education.
Members present unanimously requested that in the next Step 7 of the Anna Lindh Foundation was assured such an experience in association with the General Assemblies, in order to allow new participants members to introduce themselves and to weave synergies and exchanges of experiences with other members.
The Executive Director Claret, the network leader Capasso and coordinators Russo and Adorno have undertaken to enter into a three-year program of activities that required action by members.

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Dear Friends of the Italian Network,
It is with great pleasure that I invite you all to the press conference and show called: "The Shoe Must Go On" on 25 and 26 May, which is one of the two final outcomes of "Acting Diversity", an intercultural theatre  project from political refugees and young people co-financed by the Anna Lindh Foundation.
After meetings in Marseille and in preparation for the Venetian days, which we would like to inform you about in more detail through this project, it seems a wonderful idea to have your direct participation in this journey we have undertake that makes an important connection between theatre and intercultural dialogue focusing on the asset of diversity.
The project is inserted into our Schools Festival, which is host to more than 2700 children from all over Italy every year.
If you would like to come and/or help us spread the good news…we would be very grateful.
Warmest regards, while looking forward to Venice

Micaela Casalboni

Dearest Friends
This is simply to inform you that the Marche Region will be hosting the project tomorrow. Attached, you’ll find a brief programme during which a very beautiful film will be projected: “Closed Sea” by Andrea Segre.
Attached you will also find the text of the Rome Charter, a highly important code of ethics for journalists dealing with subjects linked to immigration and racism.
There are still more stages to come, including Venice (5 days and a general meeting) and Naples (I need to know from Michele whether and what he can organize for the occasion. We’ll be in touch soon).
At the same time, the process of bringing together the Mediterranean Laboratories in Lampedusa is advancing. We are taking bookings.
Best wishes

Carlo Testini

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