It was held in Naples, the General Assembly of the Constituent Assembly "RIDE - Italian Network for Euro-Mediterranean Dialogue": the body co-funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (who plays the role of supervision and guarantee) and from governmental organizations and society Italian civil system to enhance and develop the many initiatives and activities that take place in Italy in intercultural dialogue with the Euro-Mediterranean countries.
The RIDE has also represented - with 110 members who have joined so far - the "Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures", represented by Paul Walton Assembly.
The 78 members - about 110 members - people who attended Naples, have ratified the Statute and elected members of the Executive Committee, and adopted the logo and defined the program of activities for the scheduled events in Naples at the end of October 2014 on the occasion of the Tenth Anniversary of the Anna Lindh Foundation: in particular, there will be a high-level international meeting on the theme "Squares for peace: livability and intercultural dialogue". All decisions were taken unanimously.
The Executive Committee is composed as follows: Paola Bovier (Network Euromecity), Marisa Garito (University Uninettuno), Salvatore Calleri (Caponnetto Foundation), Enrico Granara (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Giovanni Serra (Social Cooperative Dignity of Labour), Evelina Farace (Association Leucosia), Roberto Russo (Fispmed), Renato Franco Natale (Association Jerry Masslo), Michele Capasso (Foundation Mediterranean), Carmine Nardone (Futuridea), Elisa Adorno (Institute Parallels).