Complete Lest || of events

The Italian Institute for the Future - a member of the SUM network - celebrated its tenth anniversary in the headquarters of the United States of the World and the Museum of Peace. On this occasion, an international meeting took place with several round tables: among them the one dedicated to "Future (IM)POSSIBLES of the South", "Future (IM)POSSIBLES: Living on the Edge of Chaos" and others.
A 'Futuristic Aperitif' was held at the end.
In his address, Secretary-General Michele Capasso warned against the use of artificial intelligence if it is not related to Man, who must ALWAYS be at the centre of every action.

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A delegation from the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo attended the secular funeral of the President Emeritus of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano, held for the first time in history at Montecitorio, the seat of the Chamber of Deputies.
"It was a very touching moment," commented President Michele Capasso, "because in the nine speeches that followed, an exhaustive portrait was made of the politician, the statesman, the man of culture, the grandfather, the father. It was nice to see the protagonists of the last decades, many of them friends or members of our Foundation: from President Emeritus of Portugal Cavaco SIlva to Francois Hollande, from Cardinal Ravasi to Antonio Bassolino and so on for a long list'.
After the ceremony, the body was buried in Rome's non-Catholic cemetery.

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After the strong earthquake that caused so many victims, the Marrakech btanch office of the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo - directed by Prof. Lhassan Hbid in collaboration with Prof. Mohamed Knidiri - with the coordination of Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso, is activating the best synergies to "rope in" and provide concrete aid to the populations affected by the earthquake.
Already in the evening of 9 September 2023, a team from the ROE, 'Raggruppamento Operativo Emergenze' - a founding member of the UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD - arrived in Marrakech with President Giovan Battista Marchegiani and other operators with considerable experience in Maxi Emergencies, in particular first emergency interventions for areas hit by seismic events and the creation of reception facilities for people left homeless.
They will bring decades of experience developed in the many emergencies they have managed and coordinated (L'Aquila, Amatrice, Prezmyls, Ukraine, Poland, etc.).
Thanks to Dr. Mana Al Otaiba -  Ambassador to the United States of the World - the team members were hosted at the Royal Mirage Hotel in Marrakech.
TG2 RAI journalist Silvia Squizzato took part in the mission.
The team made an initial assessment of the real situation in order to subsequently structure projects with the local authorities to assist the population.
The most affected localities on the slopes of Morocco's main mountain range were reached: in particular the locality of Moulai Brahim where, as in all the villages encountered, people are deprived of any kind of assistance. The displaced people have settled themselves in makeshift shelters made of bamboo canes, tarpaulins and blankets. Thousands of people, the elderly and very young children sleep outside both day and night with the consequences of the drop in temperature.
In these hours we are helping to set up shelters for the homeless, assisting them with basic necessities, medicines and food parcels. Tents and sleeping bags and blankets are urgently needed. The mission will also start scouting and monitoring activities for sending goods and materials to Morocco, which will be collected in Italy with the support and coordination of the Secretary General of the United States of the World Prof. Michele Capasso.

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A delegation from the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo took part in the 729th "Perdonanza Celestiniana" culminating with the opening of the Holy Door.
Secretary-General Michele Capasso emphasised the importance of rites and symbols in building true dialogue and lasting peace.
On this occasion, it was proposed to associate the Pardon with the United States of the World, and the request will be submitted to the next Council of Ambassadors.

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A delegation from the United States of the World and the Fondazione Mediterraneo participated as "observers" at the 15th BRICS Summit that brings together the member countries Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa for three days in South Africa. Among the priorities was aligning economic interests within a common agenda.
In the final declaration, at point 91, Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are invited to join the international organisation: these countries have joined and from 1 January 2024 will be full members of the BRICS.
Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso, while appreciating the value and intentions of the BRICS organisation, warned of the risks of fragmentation and conflict with other international organisations, primarily the United Nations.
Hence the importance of the Constitution of the United States of the World, which with the motto EARTH AND PEACE can bring together the various instances with the sole objective of saving the planet and ensuring peace through solidarity and the equitable distribution of available common goods and resources.

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