Complete Lest || of events

During a visit to the United States of the World headquarters in Naples, Lucia Lo Palo - president of ARPA LOMBARDIA, an agency that protects the environment - signed the "Kimiyya" poster for women's rights.
The document, signed by more than 140 million women around the world, was signed by leading women engaged in various sectors as proof of the indispensable role of women in safeguarding the Earth and building Peace.
Lucia Lo Palo - who has always been dedicated to protecting the Environment - is committed to this.

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Professor Marina Melone, a renowned neurologist and scientist dedicated to the study of rare diseases, signed the "Kimiyya" poster for women's rights.
Welcomed by Secretary-General Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, coordinator of the "Kimiyya" network, she also signed the poster on behalf of the "Women for Science" network.

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Since its inauguration in October 2010 in the presence of the Presidents of the Parliaments of the world's major countries, the "Totem for Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari has been welcoming visitors to the House of Representatives of the Kingdom of Morocco.
At the start of the New Year, Prof. Abdelhak Azzouzi - SUM Ambassador - paid homage to the symbol of the United States of the World accompanied by the President of the Euro-Mediterranean University of Fez Prof. Bousmina and other authorities.

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The "United States of the World" organised and participated in various cities on five continents in the "57th World Day of Peace", bringing the experience of 35 years of the "Peace is Action" programme.
On this occasion, Secretary-General Prof. Michele Capasso recalled the words of Pope Francis in his message entitled: Artificial Intelligence and Peace.
"Artificial intelligence," writes Pope Francis, "must be understood as a galaxy of different realities and we cannot assume a priori that its development will make a beneficial contribution to the future of humanity and to peace among peoples. Such a positive outcome will only be possible if we show ourselves capable of acting responsibly and respecting fundamental human values such as 'inclusion, transparency, security, fairness, confidentiality and accountability'.
The themes of peace and artificial intelligence were the focus of Secretary-General Michele Capasso's start-of-year message and Father Ibrahim Faltas' appeal from the Holy Land.

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The Secretary-General Michele Capasso, the Council of Ambassadors, the Board of Directors with Pia Molinari and Jacopo Molinari, the International Committee, the delegates of the autonomous sections "Fondazione Mediterraneo", "United States of Europe", "Accademia del Mediterraneo", "Kimiyya" and "Almamed" and the heads of the branch offices express their deep condolences for the death of Jacques Delors, former President of the European Commission.
In his remarks, Secretary-General Michele Capasso recalled the friend and convinced Europesist, sharing the comments of Mario Draghi and other representatives of the European institutions in describing Delors as "the father of modern Europe: from the Maastricht Treaty to the Schengen Agreements, he presided over epoch-making changes that still define the European Union, its potential and its aspirations".

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