Complete Lest || of events

The recipients of the “Mediteraneo Awards” 2024 in the various categories were announced in Fez.
International juries awarded the Prize to 28 personalities:

  • Felipe VI, King of Spain.
  • Carlo III and Camilla, royals of the United Kingdom.
  • Mohammed bin Zayed Ak Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates.
  • Luis Abinader, President of the Dominican Republic.
  • Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland.
  • Salim M. AlMalik, Director General of ICESCO.
  • Rachid Talbi Alami, President of the House of Representatives of Morocco.
  • Mostapha Bousmina, President Euromed University of Fez.
  • Bruno Vespa, Journalist.
  • Filippo Grandi, High Commissioner UNHCR.
  • Gino Strada, in memory.
  • Carlo Foresta, Endocrinologist and Andrologist Scientist.
  • Giacomo Koch, Neurophysiologist Scientist.
  • Pasquale Belfiore, Architect.
  • Marina Melone, Neurological Scientist.
  • Mirco Gasparotto, Entrepreneur. 
  • Bruno Cucinelli, Entrepreneur. 
  • Francesco Pinto, Entrepreneur.
  • James F. Hollifield, Director Tower Center SMU (USA). 
  • Catherine Wihthol de Wenden, CNRS Research Director.
  • Kenzaburo Oe, Writer.
  • Charles Simic, Poet. 
  • RyOichi Sakamoto, Musician,in memory. 
  • Olivia Newton-John, Artist, in memory.
  • Balkrishna Doshi, Architect, in memory. 
  • Carlos Saura, Director, in memory.
  • Arata Isozaki, Architect, in memory.
  • Journalists from various countries killed in Uk, in memory.  

The United States of the World together with the Fondazione Mediterraneo and other international institutions established the "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD" in 1995, which, in its various categories, has so far been awarded to more than 600 personalities from 180 countries committed to promoting dialogue, peace and safeguarding the planet. The "PRIZE" is recognised as one of the most prestigious at international level. The assignments take place during 3 ceremonies.
The first award ceremonies will be held at the Naples headquarters of the United States of the World - Via Depretis, 130 - on Monday 3 and Friday 7 June 2024 at 11 a.m. and the first awards will be presented. Ambassadors, scientists and men and women of culture from various countries will be present.

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Premio Mediterraneo "Medaglia d'Onore Istituzioni" - 2022
a Ennio De Rosa

Notary Ennio de Rosa generously made his professionalism and expertise available to achieve the establishment of the "UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD" and the subsequent approval of the "Constitution of the United States of the World", bringing together in two public acts the results of 35 years of commitment involving 181 countries around the world.
For this he was awarded the "Mediterranean Award" in recognition of his action in favour of peace.


Awarding Ceremony
Naples, 18 november 2022

Notary Ennio de Rosa received the "Mediterranean Award Medal of Honour for Institutions - 2022".
The ceremony took place in Naples at the headquarters of the "United States of the World".
The prestigious award, consisting of the work "Totem for Peace" by sculptor Mario Molinari, was presented by Secretary General Michele Capasso and International Committee President Massimo Pica Ciamarra.

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The award ceremony of the "Mediterranean-Sum Diplomacy Award" to Ambassador Moez Sinaoui was held at the Farnesina.
The award was presented by Senator Stefania Craxi, President of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Senate of the Italian Republic, and Prof. Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the United States of the World and President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
Present at the ceremony were:

  • Inigo Lambertini, Ambassador - Head of the Diplomatic Ceremonial of the Republic;
  • Manuela Ruosi, Head of Office I of the Diplomatic Ceremonial of the Republic;
  • Abdelkrim Touahria, Algerian Ambassador to Italy;
  • Enas Mekkaury, Head of the Mission of the League of Arab States in Italy;
  • Alfredo Conte, Minister Plenipotentiary - Central Director for Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Countries;
  • Raimondo De Cardona, former Italian Ambassador to Tunisia;
  • Fabrizio Saggio, Italian Ambassador to Tunisia;
  • Leila El Houssi, Professor of African History - University "La Sapienza";
  • Gualsiero Zamperini, Consul of Tunisia in Florence.

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The "MEDITERRANEAN AWARD MEDAL OF HONOR FOR SCIENCE AND RESEARCH 2021" consisting of the work "Totem of Peace" by the sculptor Mario Molinari was awarded to Dr. Maria Rosaria Lupone.
The motivation reads how the recognition was awarded for having dedicated their business without sparing themselves with passion, love, competence and dedication in the field of coagulation: in particular in the study of genetic thrombophilia.

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