Complete Lest || of events

An international conference dedicated to the theme of “Culture and cultural heritage: economic potential” took place in Minori.

The keynote speech was given by Professor Adalgiso Amendola, lecturer in International Economics at the University of Salento.

Guests of honour  included H.E. Naceur Mestiri, Tunisian Ambassador in Rome, Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Hechmi Chatman, Representative of the Tunisian Agency for the Promotion of Foreign Investment, Abdelmalek Behiri, Representative of the Tunisian Tourist Office in Southern Italy.

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Colonel Lo Monaco welcomed President Michele Capasso, Pia Molinari, the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union Habib Ben Yahia, the Director General of ALEASCO Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour and Tunisian Ambassador Naceur Mestiri with his consort Amel at the historic military academy.
At the end of the visit, there was an institutional exchange of gifts and the awarding of the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" to the students of the prestigious military school.

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On 26 July 2012, the “CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO” was inaugurated in the historic building of the former “Grand Hotel de Londres”, currently the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo

This was a historic day for Italy and Euro-Maghreb dialogue.”. 
The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and its members Pia Molinari, Caterina ArcidiaconoClaudio Azzolini and Vittorio di Pace welcomed participants to the event. Speeches were given by the Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, the Secretary-General of the Arab Maghreb Uninon Habib Ben Yahia, the Director general of Alesco Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Algerian Embassy Mohamed Mellah, The Tunisian Ambassador Naceur Mestiri, the Moroccan Ambassador Hassan Habouyoub, the Mauritanian Ambassador Moctar Ould Dahi, representatives from Libya, representatives of the Consular Body of Naples, the Mayor of Andrea Reale, as well as dignitaries civil, military and religious institutions and the world of science and culture in Italy and Maghreb countries.

The Mayor of Naples spoke of the event as a “historic day for Naples” and the UAM General Secretary Ben Yahia stated that “the Casa del Maghreb Arabo would play a major role in relations between Italy, Europe and the Arab Maghreb”.

Among the many testimonies, the acting Vice President of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella declared that “the Casa del Maghreb Arabo"  would given Naples a fundamental role in dialogue and cooperation in Italy and Europe. It was a major challenge but at the same time a unique opportunity for the Arab Maghreb and Europe”.
The Director General of ALESCO Mohamed El Aziz Ben Achour praised President Capasso for having taken on this challenge which he said would be shared by everyone to assert the values of knowledge, understanding and peace.

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At the Headquarters of the CASA DEL MAGHREB ARABO -  130 Via Depretis, Naples – the Secretary General of the Arab Maghreb Union Habib Ben Yahia received the “Mediterranean Award for Institutions”. 
Those attending included the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris,  the Director General of Alesco Mohamed-El Aziz Ben Achour, the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Algerian Embassy Mohamed Mellah, The Tunisian Ambassador Naceur Mestiri, the Moroccan Ambassador Hassan Habouyoub, the Mauritanian Ambassador Moctar Ould Dahi, representatives from Libya, representatives of the Consular Body of Naples, the Mayor of Andrea Reale, as well as dignitaries civil, military and religious institutions and the world of science and culture in Italy and Maghreb countries.

President Michele Capasso, the Director of Institutional Relations Claudio Azzolini as well as board members Pia Molinari and Vittorio di Pace attended on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
The Award, considered to be among the most prestigious at world level together with the Nobel Prize was presented to Ben Yahia with the following reason.

“Formerly the Minister  of Foreign Affairs in Tunisia, he was one of the protagonists of the Barcelona Process in 1995. Under his guidance, the Arab Maghreb Union has dedicated itself to resolving tensions in the Maghreb so that a climate of cooperation and understanding thrive, which is necessary  for co-development

This is why the Fondazione Mediterraneo together with the Accademia del Mediterraneo has awarded the Mediterranean Award for institutions to Habib Ben Yahia.

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