Complete Lest || of events

The participants in the 6th International Colloquium on "The Arab World and Europe" - gathered in Tunis - expressed their appreciation for the work carried out by the Fondazione Mediterraneo and celebrated the 30th anniversary of its establishment.
The professor. Mohamed Elaziz ben Achour - former director general of ALECSO and minister of culture of Tunisia - recalled the Foundation's commitment in favor of dialogue and peace which has translated into constant action of "fraternity", thanks to the commitment and the constant action of the president Michele Capasso.
President Capasso and Dr. Pia Molinari, connected to the webinars, thanked the participants who saw the video "THE ARAB WORLD AND EUROPE: MIGRANTS" made for this occasion by the Fondazione Mediterraneo

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President Michele Capasso participated in the 6th International Colloquium "The Arab World: Realities, Challenges and Perspectives" organized by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Political Academy Forum.
The professor. Capasso spoke at the fifth scientific session dedicated to "The Arab States in the concert of nations" with the report entitled "The Arab World and Europe" in which he underlined the importance of migrants as a "resource for Europe" and not as a "problem" hoping for a return to shared multiculturalism
Participants from various countries paid tribute to the Fondazione Mediterraneo and to president Capasso on the occasion of the Foundation's thirtieth anniversary.

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During the workshops dedicated to the Sael region and to the transformations of Tunisia in the last 5 years (pluralism, political parties, democracy, distribution of power, etc.) President Capasso in the name of House of the Arab Maghreb underlined the need, as he has always explained since 2005, to refer to a general reference framework that is that of the "Greater Mediterranean": an area whose countries have gone through periods of conflict but also centuries of collaboration and cooperation.

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President Michele Capasso - on the sidelines of the meeting of the Western Mediterranean Foreign Ministers (5 + 5) - had a cordial interview with French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault with whom - when he was the mayor of Nantes - initiatives for the Mediterranean and young people together with the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
Minister Ayrault shared Mr Capasso's recommendation on the need to facilitate cultural mobility for young people in the Mediterranean and reiterated his personal commitment to the Concluding Press Conference.

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During the MED FORUM Alf of Marseille, the leader of the Italian network Michele Capasso coordinated the work on "migrants: A new narrative", aimed at urging a new attitude of the media towards migrants for a narrative of "positive".
Of notable interest is the presentation by Soren Bauer of the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMD).

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