Complete Lest || of events

The President Capasso has carried out a report on the themes of migration and interculturality to the students of the first and second level secondary school of the Maria Ausiliatrice Institute of Naples-Vomero.
"Dialogue between cultures and interculturality is the fundamental pillar for peace - said Capasso - and through the encounter with witnesses and the comparison with individual experiences it is possible to understand an epoch-making phenomenon that will only be resolved by transforming the concept of tolerance in that of coexistence ".
At the end of the meeting the students attended the projection of the video of the emotional journey "Voices of the Migrants" of the Museum of PeaceMAMT.

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The pupils of the first and second level secondary school of the Maria Ausiliatrice Institute of Naples-Vomero reflected on the richness of the dialogue between cultures and on interculturality as a way that leads to peace. Through the meeting with witnesses, the comparison in thematic workshops and the presentation of their works at the Fondazione Mediterraneo - for 30 years engaged in the dialogue between cultures - and the Museum of Peace - MAMT have been able to make an intense journey through interculturality and compare individual experiences.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso and the Museum staff, they were able to reflect for two days on cultural identity, intercultural dialogue, integration, harmony of differences, knowledge of the structural mechanisms at the origin of the current imbalances between nations and continents and the tools to combat them. various levels in the cultural, political, economic and social fields.

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After the unforgettable days of Panama, the World Youth Days (WYD) continue their journey and in 2022 Portugal will welcome them!
A great joy for a friendly country protagonist at the Museum of Peace.
Thanks to Don Angel Fernandez Artime and to all the Salesians of Don Bosco for their contribution to this wonderful event.

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The participants in the seventh edition of "IMUN - Naples" - the largest simulation of diplomatic processes organized in Campania with the participation of more than 400 students from Italian secondary schools - visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT.
Welcomed by President Capasso expressed appreciation for a unique and extraordinary place.

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