Complete Lest || of events

A delegation of the "Friends of Ron - Poets for Peace" association led by Vincenzo De Lucia visited the Peace Museum - MAMT.
On this occasion Don Mario Maritano celebrated Mass in the Don Bosco Chapel.

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Accompanied by the director Sister Bernarda Santamaria Merens, the Sisters of the General House of FMA visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and, in particular, the emotional sections dedicated to Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
Welcomed by President Michele Capasso, the religious signed the picture that reproduces Maria Ausiliatrice signed by Mother Superior Yvonne Reungoat on the occasion of her visit on November 9th 2017.

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Accompanied by the director Sister Bernarda Santamaria Merens, the Sisters of the General House of FMA visited the Museum of Peace - MAMT and, in particular, the emotional sections dedicated to Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello.
Greeted by the president Michele Capasso, the religious have viewed the emotional videos and traced the visit of Mother Superior Yvonne Reungoat on November 9th, 2017.
At the end of the visit they expressed appreciation for this place of peace and prayer.

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Young Salesian trainees from various Euro-Mediterranean countries visited the Museum of Peace and, in particular, the emotional paths dedicated to Don Bosco.
Welcomed by the president Michele Capasso and accompanied by the vicar of the Southern Province, don Angelo Draisci, the participants expressed their appreciation for the initiative aimed at enhancing the Salesian charism in favor of the young.
At the end of the visit the Holy Mass was celebrated.

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Young Salesian trainees from various Euro-Mediterranean countries visited the Museum of Peace and, in particular, the emotional paths dedicated to Don Bosco.
Welcomed by the president Michele Capasso and accompanied by the vicar of the Southern Province, don Angelo Draisci, the participants expressed their appreciation for the initiative aimed at enhancing the Salesian charism in favor of the young.
At the end of the visit the Holy Mass was celebrated and a dinner was offered in the refectory of the Peace Museum.

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