Complete Lest || of events

Michele Capasso, President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and Pia Molinari made a gift of the “Totem for Peace” by the sculptor Mario Molinari to Princess Lalla Meryem, who expressed her appreciation for this symbol of dialogue and peace disseminated throughout the Mediterranean and the whole world by the Fondazione.

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In 2012, the "Peace Totem” (Totem della Pace"), a work by sculptor, Mario Molinari, will become the symbol for the "Energy-Peace" binomial.

Alessandro Ortis, Engineer and founder of "Medreg",  an association that brings together energy regulators from Mediterranean Countries promoted the Peace Totem as the symbol of the Energy-Peace binomial when receiving his nomination for the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Energy and Sustainable Development”.
President Capasso will assess the most appropriate way to create this monumental sculpture at a highly significant site for the transmission of electricity in the Mediterranean.

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The International jury of the Fondazione Mediterraneo – made up of representatives from 43 countries – has awarded the “2012 Mediterranean Award for Institutions” to the “Nunziatella” Military School in Naples.

The announcement of this acknowledgment  - considered as one of the most prestigious prizes throughout the world -  was made by the president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, Prof. Michele Capasso, on 19 November 2011, at a ceremony to celebrate  224 years since the foundation of the Military School.
“It is a special award -  stated Capasso – a tribute to Italy and to one of its most prestigious institutions: the “Nunziatella” Military School, founded  in 1787 as a Royal Military Academy,  which is part of the world’s heritage for the values it disseminates and for the high level of education it gives to young people who will become the “architects” of our future”.
During our interview with the  Commander of the School, Colonel Bernardo Barbarotto, the ex-presidents of the National Association of the Former Pupils of “Nunziatella”, Giuseppe Catenacci and Alessandro Ortis, Engineer, and the President of the “Nunziatella” Charity Foundation, Prof. Antonio Perna, the question of how to make this award was discussed. During the meeting, Prof. Capasso confirmed that the Fondazione Mediterraneo supported the inclusion of the  “Nunziatella” Military School in the UNESCO list of Intangible Heritage of Humanity, and would award the monumental work entitled, “Peace Totem”, by the sculptor Molinari, to the School on the occasion of its 225th anniversary.

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After reading the "Declaration of Agrigento" for peace and friendship among the peoples of the Mediterranean, Senator Benedetto Adragna - Commissioner of the Senate of the Republic - announced the next realization in the Valley of the Temples of the monumental work "Totem of Peace" "Of the Molinari sculptor.

"I thank the Fondazione Mediterraneo, the president Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari for having given the possibility to Agrigento to act as a City for Peace".

President Capasso expressed his emotion "because alongside the wonders of humanity, constituted by the Temples, the Totem for Peace will rise as a symbol of brotherhood and cooperation among the peoples of the Mediterranean".

Present at the ceremony were Mr Antonio Martino, president of the parliamentary delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the delegations of parliamentarians from the Mediterranean countries meeting in Palermo in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, which from the beginning unanimously supported the project of the "Totem of the Peace".


From the left:
Senator Adragna, President Martino and President Capasso

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Friday 14 october 2011, at 16, with a ceremony at Chivasso City Civic Theatre, has been inaugurated the monumental artwork of  Mario Molinari titled by "Penetration in a Chivasso". 
In this occasion will be commemorated the great international sculptor, author, among others, of the TOTEM FOR PEACE which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is installing all over the world. The plaque and the inauguration of monumental work will take place at 17 at Rotonda della Statale in Turin.