Complete Lest || of events

The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari – board member of the Fondazione -  met with the President of the Region of Iraqi Kurdistan, Massoud Barzani, accompanied by a delegation of ministers and the Head of Cabinet, Fuad Hussein.
On that occasion, President Barzani adhered to the “Totem for peace” guaranteeing the support of his country to the project.
The sculpture by Mario Molinari  - Totem for peace - was presented at several events that took place to commemorated the anniversary of the genocide of Halabja acknowledging it’s as a symbol to represent the martyrs of Kurdistan.


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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso awarded  -  together with the Albanian Defense Minister Arben Imam -  the 2012 “Mediterranean Award for Peace” to the President of the Region of Iraqi Kurdistan Massoud Barzani.
Capasso stated that “this award has been conferred upon the Kurdish people and the martyrs of one of the most ferocious genocides in history”.
Before a large audience, an emotional President Barzani said the following: “This award is a tribute to the victims of genocide in Kurdistan and to all the Kurdish people. It is an international acknowledgment of the possibility for different religions and diverse ethnicities to live alongside one another contributing to peace. I dedicate this prestigious Award to the families of all the victims of genocide in Kurdistan”.
On this occasion, President Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari were awarded the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" to young people and women in Erbil who are committed to promoting peace and sustainability.

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The President of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari – responsible for the “Totem for Peace” – met with the Albanian Defense Minister Arben Imami, who declared his availability for the creation of the “Totem for Peace” in his country, in a place that symbolises the “war” thus transforming it into a “Place of Peace”.


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During their visit to Iraqi Kurdistan and Erbil, President  Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari, a board member of the United States of the World Foundation, paid tribute to the martyrs of  Halabja during the 24th  anniversary of the genocide. On that occasion, they suggested dedicating their monumental work, the  “Totem of Peace” by the sculptor Mario Molinari.
At a meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Region,
Massoud Barzani and the Minister for Martyrs and Anfal Affairs, Aram Ahmed Muhammad, the first steps were taken towards the creation of the work for which the International Committee has authorized using the colours of the Kurdistan flag.
Many messages of commemoration were sent including one from the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. President Napolitano has sent a personal message of solidarity to the Kurdish population of several occasions. A message was also sent by the Mayor of Mazzarino.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to young women from Morocco.


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The City of Turin has paid tribute to the sculptor Mario Molinari, author of the “Totem of Peace”, which the Fondazione Mediterraneo is disseminating throughout the entire world. In fact, a name plate has been placed on the house-museum where he lived and created his works of art.
The ceremony to unveil the name plate was solemn and moving and was attended by dignitaries from the city, as well as diplomats and representatives from parts of the world in which his works are exhibited.
The participants included the Consulate General of Morocco, Nourredine Radhi, Don Luigi Ciotti and many other who knew and admired the works of the “Sculptor of Colour”.
The Mayor of Naples, Luigi de Magistris, was also among those who sent a message for the ceremony.
President Michele Capasso commemorated the artist and good friend defining him as representing the  “Power of Love”.

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