Complete Lest || of events

A total non-repayable contribution of 1.231 billion lire, paid out in annual instalments until 2042. This is provided for in the Pact for Naples, an agreement between the State and the City to cover the deficit and boost investment, signed today at the Maschio Angioino by Prime Minister Mario Draghi and the Mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi. The disbursement of the quota, explains the City, will take place by 31 March each year. In the first five years (2022-2026), 486 million will be allocated, or 40% of the total contribution.
Long applause greeted the Prime Minister's arrival in the ancient Sala dei Baroni at the Maschio Angioino in Naples. The Prime Minister, accompanied by the President of the Campania Region, Vincenzo De Luca, the Neapolitan Mayor Gaetano Manfredi and the President of the City Council, Enza Amato, crossed the hall to take his place among the benches. All the city councillors were present, as well as civil and ecclesiastical authorities. The Prime Minister was also accompanied by the undersecretary to the Council Presidency Roberto Garofoli.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo with its institutional network is at the side of the City of Naples for this essential action to reaffirm the role of Naples as a capital city capable of Thinking European and Breathing Mediterranean.

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The Fondazione Mediterraneo convened the International Executive Committee in Naples to deliberate on the humanitarian mission to Odessa, coordinated by Senator Giuseppe Lumia, President of the "Voluntary work and human rights" Commission.
The choice is in line with the mission of the Foundation, which was set up after the fall of the Berlin Wall precisely to give "action" to peace with initiatives of solidarity to the countries that are victims of war, such as the former Yugoslavia.
During the presentation conference - in connection with the city of Odessa and the diplomatic counsellor Attilio Malliani - the current initiatives in favour of the city and the whole Ukraine were illustrated.
President Michele Capasso, Senator Giuseppe Lumia and the director of the Museum of Peace Pia Molinari illustrated the executive programme in detail.
Senator Lumia detailed the recent mission to Odessa, emphasising, among other things, how the Ukrainian people are today experiencing unspeakable suffering and how the war is quickly destroying the life of an entire community.
Death, hunger, humiliation, violence, denial of the most basic rights are peeping out of the daily lives of all generations of all social conditions, of a reality located just a stone's throw away from the heart of Europe.
"It is one of those damned wars - Lumia says - that marks a watershed between a before and an after. Will we be able to understand the inestimable value of Peace from this dramatic experience as well? Will we be able to guide a rethinking and a redesign of relations between peoples and of the institutional context, which is called to global governance? Nothing can be taken for granted. Awareness and planning must be cultivated and shared through the most direct participation possible in the tragedies and hopes of refugees and of those who have chosen to remain, or are forced to remain, in Ukrainian cities, many of which have been devastated by bombing.
For years, the Fondazione Mediterraneo has been investigating the difficulties of advancing a governance of globalisation that is appropriate to the new challenges of our times.
A globalisation that lacks a "relational" governance, capable of making cultural, religious, economic and political diversities a resource for dialogue and integration in line with the memory marked by wars and the hopes for fraternity rising from the most disparate corners of humanity.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo has therefore promoted the project idea of a growth path starting from the United States of Europe, the United States of Africa, the United States of Latin America, the United States of South-East Asia and so on towards the goal of the United States of the World. It is an idea-project cultivated through a thousand experiences and meetings, even at the highest level, in the wonderful headquarters of the Foundation in Naples".
Attilio Malliani, Diplomatic Counsellor in Odessa, in his speech outlined the seriousness of the situation and thanked the Foundation for its contribution and recognition of the city and the entire country.

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The Mediterranean Foundation participated in the "Spring for Peace" march held in San Sebastiano al Vesuvio as a sign of solidarity and closeness to the peoples at war, but also as a form of repudiation of all forms of violence and oppression.
On this occasion, President Capasso affirmed: we have an educational obligation towards children and young people to counter the horrors we are witnessing against the Ukrainian people

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The inauguration ceremony of the 2020 Judicial Year of the TAR CAMPANIA took place. Michele Capasso and Pia Molinari spoke on behalf of the Fondazione Mediterraneo.
The work of the Campania Regional Administrative Court was characterised by "rather high standards of efficiency and optimal levels in the relationship between the quality of the work carried out and the resources applied, despite the lack of personnel".
These are the words of the president of the Campania TAR, Vincenzo Salamone, in his report for the inauguration of the judicial year of the regional administrative court.
In 2021, the Campania Regional Administrative Court could count on a staff of 39 units divided into 8 sections, of which the IV section "forced" to work with reduced ranks with only 4 magistrates.
It should be noted," Salamone writes, "that the number of magistrates in service at first instance is considerably lower than the number of magistrates in law, in view of the 49 posts provided for in the establishment plan. The number of staff could increase after the assignment of the winners of the competition still in progress.
"The increase of the staff - underlines the president - would allow the rebalancing of the workloads and a less fragmentation of the tasks". On the results front, Salamone points out that in 2021 there was a 15.28 per cent reduction in the backlog, which made it possible to go from 13,243 pending appeals on 31 December 2020 to 11,220 on 31 December 2021. On the whole - he concludes - the trend of the Court's judicial activity is in line with the rules on the acceleration and definition of judgments in certain times and with the objective recommended by the Presidency Council of the Administrative Justice to reduce the pending cases".

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