2022 (EN)

The Italy of enterprises and territories protagonists of today and tomorrow.  After the great success of the first edition of LET EXPO, ALIS continues its associative activity with a tour to discover Southern Italy!
Guido Grimaldi: "The presence of Ministers Lamorgese, Gelmini, Stefani, Bonetti e Di Maio, dei Sottosegretari Messina, Nesci and Mulè, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies Rosato and many distinguished guests is a further sign of great appreciation for the work done by the transport and logistics sector".
This is how ALIS President Guido Grimaldi comments on the first appointment of 'ALIS ON TOUR. L'Italia in movimento alla scoperta del Mezzogiorno" (Italy on the move to discover Southern Italy), which will see the Association play a leading role next 14 June in Naples, on 5 July in Manduria (Taranto) and, finally, on 2 August in Catania.
The day's proceedings were kicked off by an interview with the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese, who emphasised precisely the importance recognised for the sector, also in terms of security, considering "what has been done by the logistics cluster represented by ALIS during the lockdown and the help given to the system with the punctual transport of goods, thanks to which Italians have never suffered shortages of any goods. In this regard, the many funds that will be allocated to reducing the distances between North and South, such as those on the high-speed rail network, are very important, and I believe that the PNRR funds can be used precisely to reduce these distances: it is essential that we move forward along this line".

The Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies Mariastella Gelmini commented on the current economic and geopolitical phase, focusing on bridging the gap between the North and the South and stating that "If the South grows, the whole country grows, if we reduce inequalities, the positive spill-over effects will also reverberate in the North. Europe demanded that 40 per cent of the PNRR resources be for the South. The challenge is to carry out reforms and open building sites, but the current situation creates two problems: the expensive energy and the expensive raw materials. We don't want to ignore them, we are aware of the problems of companies. In his report, President Grimaldi made requests on bonuses for the sea and the railways: these are central points that will certainly find attention in the financial law".
Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Luigi Di Maio also intervened on the consequences of the war: "We have supported Ukraine, but the EU must do its part in supporting the European population: we need a price cap for energy, supporting economically the countries that pay the most for the cost of the war. The food blockade of ports creates a risk of political instability in Africa, possible coups d'état and large migrations. The risk is that this war will generate other wars. It is a world war on the markets from day one".
The Secretary General of the United States of the World Prof. Michele Capasso, who was present at the proceedings, emphasised "the urgency of "acting together" to face the difficult challenges by implementing skills, passion, ethics and a sense of the common good".
In the panel devoted to social sustainability at the end of the day's work, Minister for Disabilities Erika Stefani said: "Many initiatives have been implemented by the government on inclusion, always with full agreement. Disability is a transversal issue that crosses all our lives, and one of the strongest operations that we have done at the government level was to unanimously approve a proxy law of great procedural impact, which will open the way to the institution of the Guarantor for disability and will represent an epoch-making turning point".
The Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Family, Elena Bonetti, also spoke, emphasising ALIS's commitment to social issues: "ALIS has always shown great attention to the issues of inclusion, diversity, and support for families and women's work, and I am therefore pleased to be able to speak here about the Family Act reform, which provides for 20 billion euros of economic support for families with children without distinction. Moreover, another key element is concrete support for the education of the new generations and, as Draghi says, a great goal for Italy is to revive in the country a taste for the future".
Clear messages also came from the Undersecretaries who spoke on the panel on sustainable development and security: Assuntela Messina (Technological Innovation and Digital Transition) said that "Even for mobility, digital provides key models for the modernisation of systems and to accompany the cultural revolution", Dalila Nesci (South and Territorial Cohesion) said that "The southern regions could really work as a macro region and we could also be at the forefront in investments on renewable energy" and Giorgio Mulè (Defence) anticipated the presentation of the government's integrated plan for cybersecurity, where "a perimeter is defined within which we know what happens in emergencies, involving companies and P. A.". Also speaking in the same session were Ettore Rosato, Vice-President of the Chamber of Deputies, who proposed "intervening in a way that facilitates investment by accompanying the companies in greatest difficulty", and Massimo Seno, Head of the Legal Affairs and Institute Services Department of the Port Captaincies-Coast Guard Corps, who specified how "among the initiatives we are putting in place in the area of sustainable development is the planning of maritime spaces".
Speaking on employment-related issues were the President of the Chamber's Labour Commission Romina Mura, who stated that "with the NRP and EU and national funds we do not have problems with resources, but with safety culture", INAIL Director General Andrea Tardiola, for whom we need to "spread the culture of risk, starting with primary, middle and high school children, reasoning about what risks are looming and how to produce safety", Assoporti President Rodolfo Giampieri, who pointed out that "work has changed in the port world, also due to the impact of digitalisation", and the President of the AdSP of the Central-Northern Tyrrhenian Sea Pino Musolino, convinced of the need to "find a way to keep talent and give an opportunity to those who have left to return".
In the panel on social sustainability between sport and the third sector, there were also very interesting speeches by the Director of the Fondazione Santobono Pausilipon Flavia Matrisciano, who emphasised how "important it is that in an event like this, dedicated to sustainable logistics, there is also attention for the most fragile", and by FISE President Marco Di Paola, who reiterated that sport represents "a very long chain, transversal to society, an important training moment".
In thanking the Government for the initiatives put in place so far and for the acceleration on the implementation of the PNRR, ALIS President Guido Grimaldi, however, also illustrated the instances considered necessary by the transport and logistics people: "We hope for the Government's intervention by increasing the financial endowment to 100 million euros per year for Marebonus and Ferrobonus from 2022 to 2030, as these incentives are necessary to support the sector's companies and to start a serious and important modal and, therefore, ecological transition. In addition, we consider it a priority to intervene to make our sector more attractive by bringing the new generations closer together and thus contributing to the country's employment growth and to solving a serious problem faced by our companies, namely the severe shortage of qualified professionals. Finally, we hope that the EU-ETS system will be exempted for the Motorways of the Sea and the Italian island cabotage lines and from Italy to foreign countries, in order to avoid - concludes President Grimaldi - the real risk of a modal back-shift, which would risk turning maritime logistics back 30 years and, above all, would bring millions of trucks on Italian motorways again".