2021 (EN)

The president Michele Capasso with Pia Molinari intervened in Rome at the preview presentation of the video of the Thirtieth anniversary of the Fondazione Mediterraneo titled "TOGETHER FOR PEACE".
Many attendees and unanimous recognition for thirty years of action based on concreteness and results. "In two hours - said the president Capasso - the synthesis of 30 years of activity often marked by the IMPOSSIBLE become POSSIBLE.
This testimony takes on greater significance and value today in the difficult moment that envelops the whole of humanity ".
The video was dedicated to Said Margoul, a member of the Foundation and promoter of the Marrakech office since 1997.
On this occasion, the over 2,000 events held in Rome and Lazio and personalities such as Vittorio Nisticò, Paolo Bufalini, Alberto Sordi, Vittorio Gassmann, Federico Fellini, Igor Man and many others who have collaborated with the Foundation were remembered. Among the events were the Appeals, presentations to the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate, Palazzo Chigi, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as concerts for dialogue between cultures held at the "Parco della Musica" Auditorium.