2021 (EN)

The EuroMeSCo 2021 Annual Conference "Setting the New Agenda for the Mediterranean in Motion “Shaping Post-Covid Euromed Relations" wll be held online on April 15 at 10h30  (Brussels time) and brought together hundreds of participants around the Mediterranean: among these the Fondazione Mediterraneo, founding member of the EuroMeSCo Network.
With this event EuroMeSCo intends to actively contribute to the reflection over rolling out the new agenda for the Mediterranean, a few weeks after the release of the EU Joint Communication on the Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighborhood. The Acting Director General of DG NEAR, Maciej Popowski, presented  his Communication, after which a debate will unfold, along the main pillars of the Communication

  • Human development and good governance.
  • Resilience, prosperity and the digital transition.
  • Migration and mobility.
  • Green transition.

This event will kick off a series of national events that will take place in the coming months in some Southern Neighborhood countries: they will offer a platform for further discussions on relevant communication issues and will involve mixed groups of representatives from think tanks, academic institutions, organizations civil society and business community representatives, as well as EU officials.
At the headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in Naples, through the large video wall screens, members of the Foundation and international experts participated in the event.
On this occasion, President Michele Capasso re-proposed the APPEAL FOR THE UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD