2023 (EN)

Cadi Ayyad University (UCA) of Marrakech was chosen, on Wednesday, to host the branch office of both the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World for the southern shore of the Mediterranean.
During a solemn ceremony, held at the presidency of the UCA in the presence of a host of academics, researchers, experts and students, the plaque and flag of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World were affixed at the entrance of the rectorate of the UCA, which has been the headquarters since 2000 of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, which became an autonomous section of the "United States of the World" from 2022.
"The new plaque at the entrance to the presidency and the presentation of the official flag of the United States of the World are evidence of the commitment of our institution to international cooperation and the promotion of peace in the world," stressed the president of Cadi Ayyad University (UCA), Prof. Moulay El Hassan Hbid.
Affirming that this ceremony "marks an important step in our collaboration with the United States of the World Foundation", he indicated that UCA "is taking a new step in its collaboration by becoming the headquarters of the United States of the World. This is a responsibility we take very seriously, and we are committed to working with the Foundation to promote international cooperation, education, research and innovation, in the interest of peace and the well-being of all the world's people.
Prof. Hhbid said he was deeply honoured and proud of this award, which "represents a huge responsibility that encourages me to redouble my efforts to further contribute to the advancement of our university and the promotion of international cooperation".
For his part, prof. Michele Capasso, Secretary General of the "United States of the World" and Director General of the Fondazione Mediterraneo, and Mrs. Pia Molinari, President of the Governing Board, noted that this is a "historic" day, which marks the realization of a dream cherished since 1988 in Marrakech, for the establishment of a headquarters of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and the United States of the World, which has 181 member countries and 16,000 institutions and civil society organizations.

In this sense, he highlighted the importance of the Averroes Chair, which aims to contribute to a greater circulation of ideas and knowledge in the Mediterranean and to strengthen the links between the two shores through intellectual, cultural and scientific exchange, so that mutual knowledge becomes one of the keys to the consolidation of peace between the peoples of the region.
Regarding the choice of Morocco to host this institution, Mr Capasso stressed that Morocco is "an important country for the United States of the World because it presents all the values that we defend and aspire to promote".
The ceremony was followed by a lecture by Prof. Michele Capasso, First Doctor Honoris Causa of the UCA and Secretary General of the United States of the World, on the importance of this institution and of the Averroes Chair, which works to coordinate studies involving the Mediterranean region in different disciplines.
The event was followed by the awarding of the title of "Ensign of the United States of the World" to students and professors of the UCA, as is already done in more than 600 universities around the world.
On the sidelines of this event, Cadi Ayyad University signed an agreement to join the United States of the World as a founding member, which aims to define the framework of cooperation between the two parties as well as the means to be implemented to achieve the objectives set.