2020 (EN)

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the inauguration of the sculptor Mario Molinari's "Totem of Peace" at the Farnesina, a commemorative ceremony was held with the main participants in that event: from Princess WIjdan Al Hashemi of Jordan to Mons. Fouad Twal, formerly Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, and to the representatives of the Governments and Ambassadors who attended then.
President Michele Capasso underlined the importance of the "Totem of Peace" as a symbol that brings together many countries of the world: "Just on the eve of the peace meetings scheduled in Rome on 20 October 2020, having remembered the long journey of 'monumental work that the Fondazione Mediterraneo is spreading throughout the world constitutes a call to brotherhood and unity - indispensable in a difficult moment in our history - also through symbols ”.