2020 (EN)

"World Environment Day" celebrated at the Museum of Peace - MAMT. Some young people - welcomed at a safe distance and with the procedures and guidelines on social distancing - have connected with young people all over the world on the museum's multimedia platform to sound the alarm for the defense of the earth and the environment.
On this occasion, President Capasso donated the volume "This good land of ours" written by Maria Pia Giudici, who recently passed away.
World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 15, 1972 with Resolution 2994.
The date was chosen to remember the first United Nations Conference on the environment held in Stockholm from 5 to 16 June 1972, it was on this occasion that the Stockholm Declaration was adopted which defined the 26 principles on human rights and responsibilities in relation to the environment.
World environment day 2020 had biodiversity as its theme, which also passes through the mitigation of climate change. The 46th edition has as its motto "Time for nature" which literally translated says it is "the time for Nature". We can not help but protect nature, the only one capable of purifying the air and producing energy