2019 (EN)
21 March 2019
Tutte le Attività (EN) -
Anno 2019
The Museum of Peace - MAMT hosted the "Magnetic Marketing" training course organized by Fabrizio Cornalba, founder of the Meeting-hub portal.
This activity, by decision of the Museum's Governing Council, was carried out as compensation for hospitality on the Meeting-hub portal of the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the year 2019.
On this occasion - while appreciating the quality of the Meeting.hub portal - the president Michele Capasso communicated to dr. Fabrizio Cornalba the impossibility to continue the use of the same portal by the Museum of Peace - MAMT for the year 2020 because the Museum has no resources to be used for this activity. The only possibility, as happened for the year 2019 and on this occasion, is the exchange of hospitality at the Museum of Peace - MAMT with the annual fee due for the year 2020.