2018 (EN)

Hosted and organized by CNES (Centre National d’Etudes  Spatiales) and powered by AIAA, SpaceOps 2018 is a technical forum of the Space Mission Operations and Ground Systems community that addresses state-of-the-art operations principles, methods, and tools.
SpaceOps 2018 provides the opportunity for you to share mission’s experience, challenges, and innovation solutions.
Held biennially since 1990, the conference will attract technologists, scientists, managers from agencies, academic and research institutions, operators and industry and fosters managerial and technical interchanges on all aspects of space mission operations.
The Fondazione Mediterraneo with the United States of the World participates in the conference by providing information on the "Orbitecture" program exhibited at the Museum of  Peace - MAMT as part of the "Civilization of the city" exhibition of Studio PCA Int.
On this occasion, the titles of "Standard Bearers of the United States of the World" were awarded to the young scientists present from various countries.