2018 (EN)

"Io Dalì", the exhibition dedicated to the great artist, has been inaugurated at the Pan di via dei Mille in Naples, scheduled until June 10. Present at the opening the Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris with the Ambassador of Spain in Italy Jesús Manuel Gracia Aldaz, the councilor for Culture Nino Daniele, the director of the Dalí Museum-Foundation Museum, Montserrat Aguer, the president of Cor (Create Organize Realize) Alessandro Nicosia and the scientific director Francesca Villanti (curator of the exhibition).
The president of the Fondazione Mediterraneo Michele Capasso recalled the common friendship with Andreu Claret and with Jordi Marcader, president of the Dali Foundation.
At the MAMT Museum one of the emotional paths with videos and testimonies is dedicated to Salvator Dalì.