2015 (EN)

FIAC International Forum Azione Cattolica
UMOFC World Union of Catholic Women Organization

Francis Pope, after the pilgrimage in Holy Land, invited in His “house” the President of Israel and the Palestinian Authority for a prayer meeting for peace on the 8 june of 2014 in Vatican in Rome.
The Pope asked to the church to pray for this unprecedent meeting which got the world attention. On June 6 of 2014 the initiative “ONE MINUTE POR LA PAZ- ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE” was launched, in preparation of the meeting sponsored by the Pope. We gathered in a simple, short and accessible to all prayer.

The applications to the event has been significant in several countries, in particular, through Facebook were collected almost 10.000 applications in a short time.
All over this year we remembered what Francis Pope said on the 8 June of 2014:

“Our meeting for the claim of peace in Holy Land, in Middle East and in the whole world has been accompanied by the prayer of people of different religions: people who prayed for this meeting and now are bond to us in the same invocation. It is a meeting which is a response to the warm desire to people who is struggling for peace and dream about where men and women could live together as friends and not as enemies”.

Questo nostro incontro di invocazione della pace in Terra Santa, in Medio Oriente e in tutto il mondo è accompagnato dalla preghiera di tantissime persone, appartenenti a diverse culture, patrie, lingue e religioni: persone che hanno pregato per questo incontro e che ora sono unite a noi nella stessa invocazione. È un incontro che risponde all’ardente desiderio di quanti anelano alla pace e sognano un mondo dove gli uomini e le donne possano vivere da fratelli e non da avversari o da nemici.”

And moreover his Prayer become ours: http://w2.vatican.va

After one year, the 8 June 2015, we intend to remember the meeting hold on 8 June 2014 relaunching the initiative ONE MINUTE POR LA PAZ. There are too many struggles, too many weak people, relaunching the initiative UN MINUTE POR LA PAZ. The Pope highlighted: “It is in course a third world war, ”, we are aware that “building the peace is difficult, but living without peace is an agony”. So it is necessary to intensify our prayer and our engagment.

In concrete, we are asking to every AC to invite all the members, the friends from associations, friends of other confessions, religions, all the people with a good will on Monday 8 at 13 to observe a minute of prayer in every place they are: at work, at school, at university, in family, before the church. Also the priest are invited to go out from the churches and pray for the peace among people. If other people join them is better!

We are inviting to pray for peace during the Mass of Sunday 7 June, inviting to ONE MINUTE POR LA PAZ Monday 8.

To pray on Monday, when the week startes in several countries of the world, remember us that every day peace volunteer in family, in group, in the Christian community. And the workers of ACI every week, “I love Monday!”.

We need to let known the depliant on line, through word of mouth. It is also active a Facebook page: one minute por la paz in order to communicate and share experiences. The first form of participation is LIKING the page and invite friends. https://www.facebook.com/unminutoporlapaz?fref=ts
It is also active the #unminutoporlapaz on twitter.
We can share the initiative to the associations, to the civil society organizations, religious groups.

The Fondazione joins to the initiative.

Holy lord of peace, listen to our pray!

We have tried for years to solve conflicts with our strenght and our weapons; there were so many hostility and darkness; so many blood poured for nothing; so many lives lost; so many hopes lost…But our struggles should continue. Oh lord, help us! Give us the peace, guide us to the Peace. Open our eyes and hearts and give us the courage to say: “No war anymore!”; “war get rid of everything”. Make us brave so that we can take concrete actions to act the peace. Lord, God of Abraham and the Prophets, God who created us and invite us to leave us as brothers, give us the courage to live every day as brothers and artisan of peace; give us the ability to see with benevolence all the brothers we meet on our path. Make us open to listen the scream of our citizens which ask us to transform our weapons in tools of peace, our fears in hope and our anxiety in forgiveness. Make burn in us the hope flame in order to act with patient constance actions of dialogue and recomciliation, in order to let the peace win. And make ban from the human heart words as: division, hate, war!Lord, disarm our tongues and hands, renew our hearts and intellects, let us meet under the word “brother” and make the key word of our lives: “shalom, peace, salam! Amen.

Francis Pope 8 June 2014