2013 (EN)

The event brought together more than 1000 animators and organizers from civil society organizations, in additions to politicians and is aims to become a reference point, on the one hand, for the relaunch of Euro-Mediterranean dialogue following the Arab Spring uprisings, and for developing an understanding of the social impact of the economic crisis in Europe, on the other.
The “recommendations” resulting from the various debates, seminars and meetings will form a road map for a better euro-med policy, in addition to developing and strengthening ALF’s own intercultural mission. In fact, a Steering Committee was set up for the Forum with the Parliamentary Assembly and Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean, the European Commission and the Arab League.
The Forum was preceded by a series of preparatory meetings in collaboration with local networks:, Istanbul June 2012; Women, Casablanca, November 2012; Media & perceptions, Palermo July2012 and Barcelona March 2013; Young activists, Luxemburg, September 2012; Migration and the Mediterranean cultural diversity, Algeria, March 2013. Moreover, in preparation for the Forum, ALF collaborated with UNESCO, the Council of Europe, the Alliance of Civilizations. Those attending the Forum included a delegation from the ALF Italian Network, set up in 2004 thanks to the collaboration and commitment of the Fondazione Mediterraneo and its President Michele Capasso. 
The Italian delegation, accompanied by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and led by national coordinators - Fondazione Mediterraneo,Fispmed ONLUS, Paralleli-Istituto euromediterraneo per il Nord Ovest – noted the participaton of the following associative members: Associazione Culturale Il Tamarindo,Etnobarometro (Ethnobarometer), Lunaria, CinemovelFoundation, CE.S.I.E-Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo,Teatro dell'Argine, Coppem, Euro-Med Centre Ragusa,aMAZElab, Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti (Cospe), Unimed - Unione delle Università del Mediterraneo, Ente Nazionale per la protezione e l'assistenza dei sordi Ens-Onlus, Corrente Rosa, Delfino Lavoro soc. cooperativa sociale, Mine Vaganti European Youth Group, Peipli, Flame-Florence Art Music Ensemble,Università Uninettuno.
On that occasion, President Michele Capasso presented his book "La Grande Méditerranée" and the work of the Fondazione Mediterraneo in over 20 years of activities.

Ansamed press release

The Italian delegation

The programme FR ENG

Message from the Director General

The Heads of the 43 National Networks

The book "La Grande Méditerranée"

The book “Rete Italiana ALF”

Press releases 1ENG 1FR 2FR 1AR 2AR


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